Asking Qs, buying things, asking for more and less, saying how much you need Flashcards
Translate this to French
He is a French actor
Il est un acteur français
C’est un acteur français
Translate this to French
He lives in France, in Paris and in Los Angeles in the United States
Il habite en France, à Paris et à Los Angeles, aux États-Unis
Translate this to French
He is married to a French woman
Il est marié à une française
Translate this to French
She is called Helene
Elle s’appelle Helene
Translate this to French
He has 5 children
Il a cinq enfants
Translate this to French
He likes French literature
Il aime la littérature française
Translate this to French
He does not like American cars
Il n’aime pas les voitures Américaines
Translate this to French
He loves Italian cuisine
Il adore la cuisine Italienne
Translate this to French
She is a French teacher and an actor
Elle est professeur de française et actrice
Translate this to French
She lives in France, in Paris and in London, in
the United Kingdom
Elle habite en France, à Paris et à Londres, en Le Royaume-Uni
Translate this to French
She is not married
Elle n’est pas mariée
Translate this to French
Her partner (= conjoint) is an architect
Elle conjoint est un architecte
Translate this to French
She has 2 children
Elle a deux enfants
Translate this to French
She likes British music
Elle aime la musique Britannique
Translate this to French
She loves English tea
Elle adore le thé anglais
Practise introducing yourself in French
Introduce your:
- Name
- Age
- Nationality
- Where you are from
- Where you live
- What you do/study
- Where you work
- Relationship status
- Introduce your family
Bonjour! Je m’appelle Dayini et J’ai 18 (dix-huit) ans. Je suis Malaisienne et Je viens de Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie. J’habite à Manchester en Angleterre. Je suis étudiante en psychologie à l’université. Je ne travaille pas et Je suis célibataire. Voici ma famille: ma mère s’appelle Izza, mon père s’appelle El et ma sœur s’appelle Dareen (elle a 13 (treize ans). Ils habitent à Kuala Lumpur.
Translate this to French
What day is it today?
Quel jour sommes-nous aujourd’hui
Translate this to French
What is today’s date?
Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
Translate this to French
What time is it?
Quelle heure est-il?
Translate this to French
It is 5:10
Il est cinq heures dix
Il est dix-sept heures dix
Translate this to French
It is 9:30
Il est neuf heures trente
Il est vingt- et-une heures trente
Translate this to French
It is 11:50
Il est onze heures cinquante
Il est vingt- trois heures cinquante
Translate this to French
What’s this?
Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Translate this to French
How much?
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Which or What?
Quel, Quels, Quelle, Quelles
Translate this to French
What or That?
Que, Qu’, Quoi
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Roleplay this in French
You are at the train station to book some tickets to spend a weekend away. Greet the rail travel assistant.
Ask for 3 tickets to Paris
Reply to them and ask for second-class return tickets
Ask to depart on Friday night (14/04) around 7.00
Ask to return on Sunday afternoon (17/04)
Reply to them whether you are a student or not
Ask them how much
Thank the rail travel assistant when they hand over the tickets
Bonjour! Je voudrais trois billets pour Paris.
Des billets aller-retour en seconde classe, s’il vous plait.
Je voudrais partir le vendredi soir à dix-neuf heure et revenir le dimanche après-midi.
Oui, je suis étudiante.
C’est combien?
Roleplay this in French
You are the rail travel assistant and a customer is enquiring about tickets
Ask them what type of ticket they want (single/return, first or second class)
Ask if they are a student
Give the customer tickets and take leave
Vous voulez des billets aller simple ou aller-retour? Et première ou seconde classe?
Vous êtes étudiant?
Voila! Bonne journée!
Translate this to French
I would like…
Je voudrais…
Translate this to French
Would you like…?
Vous voulez…?
Translate this to French
A ticket to…
Un billet pour…
Translate this to French
A single ticket
Un aller-simple
Translate this to French
A return ticket
Un aller-retour
Translate this to French
In first class
En première classe
Translate this to French
In second class
En seconde classe
Translate this to French
To leave
Translate this to French
To return