Enquiring timetables (days of the week, time of day), checking travel details, public transports and likes/dislikes Flashcards
Translate this to French
What is the date of your birthday?
Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?
Translate this to French
It is 30th May, and you?
C’est le trente mai, et toi?
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What is the date today?
Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
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What is the date tomorrow?
Quelle est la date demain?
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And Christmas, is when?
Et Noël, c’est quand?
Translate this to French
Tomorrow, it is 29 March
Demain, c’est le vingt-neuf mars
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Christmas, it is 25 december
Noël, c’est le vingt cinq décembre
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The months of the year
Les mois de l’année
Translate this to French
Le printemps (Luh-prant-tom)
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L’été (Leh-teh)
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L’automne (Lo-ton)
Translate this to French
L’hiver (Lee-verh)
Translate this to French
What is your favourite/preferred season?
Quelle est ta saison préférée?
What is when in French?
Translate this to French
My favourite season is…
Ma saison préférée, c’est….
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My favourite season is… but I don’t like…
Ma saison préférée, c’est … mais je n’aime pas …
What is but in French?
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What time is it?
Quelle heure est-il?
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Of the morning
Du martin (Doo-marton)
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Of the afternoon
De l’après midi
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Of the evening/night
Du soir
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It is …. hours
Il est…heures
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It is 17:15
Il est dix-sept heures quinze
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It is 20:30
Il est vingt heures trente
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It is 22:45
Il est vingt-deux heures quarante-cinq
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Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
Translate this to French
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The days of the week
Les jours de la semaine
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Les jours
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A week
Une semaine
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The times/moments of the day
Les moments de la journée
What is this in English?
Le martin
The morning
What is this in English?
What is this in English?
The afternoon
What is this in English?
Le soir
The evening/night
What is this in English?
Translate this to French
The castle is open from Tuesday morning till Friday evening/night
Le château est ouvert du mardi matin au vendredi soir.
Translate this to French
Pardon Madam, what time do you open the bakery and on which days?
Pardon Madame, à quelle heure vous ouvrez la boulangerie et quels jours ?
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Pardon Madam, what time do you open the post office and on which days?
Pardon Madame, à quelle heure vous ouvrez la poste et quels jours ?
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To open
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To close
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Translate this to French
Translate this to French
At what time do you open?
À quelle heure vous ouvrez? (Ah-kelle-err-vouz-zu-vre)
Translate this to French
We open at…
On ouvre à…
Translate this to French
We close at…
On ferme à…
Translate this to French
We open at 7 o’clock
On ouvre à sept heures
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At what time do you close?
À quelle heure vous fermez?
Translate this to French
We close at 12 noon
On ferme à midi
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At 6 o’clock
À six heures
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At 9 o’clock
À neuf heures
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Neuf heures trente
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Quatorze heures quinze
Translate this to French
Huit heures trente
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We open in the morning
On ouvre le matin
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Closed in the afternoon
Fermé l’après-midi
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Translate this to French
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Every day from 9:30 to 19:00
Tous les jours de neuf heures trente à dix-neuf heure
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From 10:00 to midday and from 14:00 t0 18:00
De dix heures à midi et de quatorze heures à dix-huit heures
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Translate this to French
Except for Tuesdays
Sauf le mardi
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It is closed today
C’est fermé aujourd’hui
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It is open on Sundays?
C’est ouvert le dimanche?
Translate this to French
The castle is open every day
Le château est ouvert tous les jours
Translate this to French
The castle is open every day except on Mondays
Le château est ouvert tous les jours sauf le lundi
What is every day in French?
Tous les jours
What is from in French?
Du (if masc; because de le doesn’t work)
De la (if fem)
What is on in French?
Le (if masc)
La (if fem)
Translate this to French
Pardon Madam, at what time do you open the bakery and on which days?
Pardon Madame à quelle heure vous ouvrez la boulangerie et quels jours?
Translate this to French
Right, we open the bakery on Mondays at 6:30
Alors, on ouvre la boulangerie le lundi à six heures trente
Translate this to French
Right, we open the bakery from Monday to Thursday at 6:30
Alors, on ouvre la boulangerie du lundi au jeudi à six heure trente
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At the station
À la gare
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Station of the east
Gare de l’est
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The train will arrive at ….
Le train arrive à…. heures
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The train will depart at…
Le train part à … heures
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To arrive
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To leave
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The fish market
Le marché au poisson
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Port-Vendres fish market
Le marché au poisson de Port-Vendres
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The methods of transportation
Les moyens de transport
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A truck
Un camion
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A boat
Un bateau
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A plane
Un avion
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A train
Un train
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A car
Une voiture
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A bus
Un bus
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A coach
Un car
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To leave
Translate this to French
I leave
Je pars
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You (sing./informal) leave
Tu pars
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He/she leaves
Il/Elle part
Translate this to French
We leave
Nous partons
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You (pl./formal) leave
Vous partez
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They leave
Ils/Elles partent
Translate this to French
To arrive
Translate this to French
I arrive
Translate this to French
You (singl./informal) arrive
Tu arrives
Translate this to French
He/she arrives
Il/Elle arrive
Translate this to French
We arrive
Nous arrivons
Translate this to French
You (pl./formal) arrive
Vous arrivez
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They arrive
Ils/Elles arrivent
Translate this to French
I am arriving at the fish market, opposite the bus station.
J’arrive au marché au poisson, en face de la station d’autobus
Translate this to French
We are leaving at 4am by bus and they are leaving at 4pm by coach.
Nous partons à 4 heures du matin en bus et ils partent à 4 heures de l’après-midi (ou : à seize heures) en car.
Translate this to French
They are arriving at the bakery’s on the right of the swimming pool.
Ils arrivent à la boulangerie à droite de la piscine.
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You (=formal) are leaving at 9:45pm and you are going to the nightclub.
Vous partez à 9h45 du soir (ou 21 h45) et vous allez à la discothèque.
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You (=informal) are arriving in a big hotel in a small village.
Tu arrives dans un grand hôtel dans un petit village.
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At what time…?
À quelle heure…?
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At what time does the next train leave?
À quelle heure part le prochain train?
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At what time does the next coach leave?
À quelle heure part le prochain car?
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At what time does it arrive?
À quelle heure est-ce qu’il arrive? (Ah-kel-erre-res-kill-arrive)
Translate this to French
At what time does it leave?
À quelle heure est-ce qu’il part? (Ah-kel-erre-res-kill-par)
Translate this to French
When does it arrive?
Quand est-ce qu’il arrive? (Kon-des-kil-arrive)
Translate this to French
When does it leave?
Quand est-ce qu’il part? (Kon-des-kil-parr)
What is next in French?
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A ticket to Paris
Un billet pour Paris
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A single (ticket)
Un aller simple
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A return (ticket)
Un aller-retour
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A first class
En première (classe)
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A second class
En seconde (classe)
Translate this to French
Which platform is it?
C’est quel quai? (Seh-kel-keh)
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You have to change at…
Il faut changer à…
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The ticket is for which destination?
Le billet est pour quelle destination?
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When is the wife leaving?
Quand part la femme?
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Which train does she choose?
Elle choisit quel train?
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Does it have a discount?
A-t-elle une réduction?
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How much was the ticket?
Combien coûte le billet?
Translate this to French
The ticket is for Paris
Le billet est pour Paris
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Wednesday 2 June
Le mercredi 2 juin
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The train leaving at 8:15, arriving in Paris at 9:45
Le train qui part à huit heures quinze, arrivée à Paris à neuf heures quarante-cinq
What is leaving in French?
Qui part or part
What is arriving in French?