Enquiring about snacks, reading a menu, ordering a meal, saying what you like/don't like Flashcards
Translate this to French
I would like some bread
Je voudrais du pain
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I would like 200g of Brie
Je voudrais deux cent grammes de Brie
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I would like a box of pâté
Je voudrais une boîte de pâté
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I would like some butter
Je voudrais du beurre
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I would like 3 slices of ham
Je voudrais trois tranches de jambon
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I would like a kilo of tomatoes
Je voudrais un kilo de tomates
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I would like a kilo of bananas
Je voudrais un kilo de bananes
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I would like 2 bottles of mineral water
Je voudrais deux bouteilles d’eau minérale
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The baker’s
La boulangerie
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The newsagent’s
Le marchand de journaux
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The general food shop
Le magasin d’alimentation
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The greengrocer’s
Le magasin de fruits et légumes
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The cheese shop
La crémerie
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Ham and Cheese Sandwich
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Ham and Cheese Sandwich with a fried egg on top
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An ice cream
Une glace
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A sandwich with sausages (salami)
Un sandwich au saucisson
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A menu
Un menu
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Main course/dish
Plat principal
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Italien salade
Salade Italienne
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Goose liver, prepared on site
Foie gras maison
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Salmon steak with salad
Pavé de saumon et sa salade
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Steak fries
Steak frites
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Cheese plate
Assiette de fromages
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Fruit salad
Salade de fruits
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Waffle with vanilla ice cream
Gaufre et sa glace à la vanille
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The waffle
La gaufre
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What is it?
Qu’est-ce que c’est
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It is a toasted cheese and ham sandwich with an egg
C’est un croque-monsieur avec un oeuf (or croque-madame)
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What do you have in the way of sandwiches?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme sandwichs?
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What do you have in the way of ice creams?
Qu’est-ce que vous avez comme glaces?
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A chocolate ice cream
Une glace au chocolat
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A vanilla ice cream
Une glace à la vanille
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An orange cake
Un gâteau à l’orange
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A cake
Un gâteau
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Have you chosen?
Vous avez choisi?
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Will you have…?
Vous prenez…?
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I will have…
Je prends…
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I will have the set menu at 15 euros
Je prends le menu à 15 euros
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For starters…
Comme entrées…
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The onion soup
Soupe à l’oignon
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The onion soup
La soupe à l’oignon
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The mussels with white wine
Les moules au vin blanc
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Raw vegetable mixed salad
Les crudités
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Fruit de mer
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To take or to have
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I will have/take
Je prends
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You (sing./informal) will have/take
Tu prends
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He/She will have/take
Il/Elle prend
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We will have/take
Nous prenons
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You (pl./formal) will have/take
Vous prenez
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They will have/take
Ills/Elles prennent
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For your main course?
Comme plat principal?
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And for vegetables?
Et comme légumes?
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And to drink?
Et comme boisson?
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Right away!
Tout de suite!
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Enjoy your meal!
Bon appétit!
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Some salad
De la salade
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Some green beans
Des haricots verts
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Some fries
Des frites
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Some green peas
Des petits pois
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Rare (steak)
Saignant (seh-nyon)
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Medium (steak)
À point
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Well done (steak)
Bien cuit
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The bill
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Seafood platter
Plateau de fruits de mer
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Grilled steak
Entrecôte grillée
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Loin of pork in cream sauce
Fillet de porc à la crème
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Côte d’agneau
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Roast chicken
Poulet rôti
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Strawberries with whipped cream
Fraises à la chantilly
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Ice cream or home-made tart
Glace ou tarte maison
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Beef stew
Le boeuf bourguignon
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The (restaurant) service
Le service
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The blackcurrant sorbet
Le sorbet au cassis
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The chocolate cake
Le gâteau au chocolat
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The cooking
La cuisine
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Very good
Très bon
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To take your order
Prendre votre commande
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A jug of water
Une carafe d’eau
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
Tu (parler) français?
Tu parles français?
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
Oui, je (prendre) des cours à l’université
Oui, je prends des cours à l’université.
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
C’(être) bien?
C’est bien?
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
Oui, je (adorer)!
Oui, j’adore!
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
Tu (pouvoir) me dire quelque chose?
Tu peux me dire quelque chose?
What conjugation goes with this sentence?
Oui, si tu (vouloir)! “Je (boire) du vin.”
Oui, si tu veux! “Je bois du vin.”
Translate this to French
Is there a post office here?
Il y a une poste ici?
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Can you repeat, please?
Vous pouvez répéter, s’il vous plait?
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Where do you live?
Vous habitez où?
Tu habites où?
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What would you like?
Qu’est-ce que vous désirez?
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How much is it?
C’est combien?
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What is your profession?
Quelle est votre profession?
Quelle est ta profession?
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How old are you?
Vous avez quel âge?
Tu as quel âge?
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What’s your name?
Comment vous appelez-vous?
Comment tu t’appelle?
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When is the next train leaving?
Quand est-ce que le prochain train part?