Number 7 Flashcards
The work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the saved: Define indwelling.
The Holy Spirit taking residence in the believing sinner and abiding within forever.
Work of the Holy Spirit concerning the saved: the time indwelling happens
The Spirit indwells us at the moment of salvation.
Benefits of the indwelling of the Spirit.
1) It makes us the Temple of God
2) it gives us assurance of our salvation
3) it gives us the power and ability to obey God
4) it guarantees our resurrection
As the Temple of God, we are called to what?
1) to Purity - recognizing the sacredness of God’s Temple
2) to recognize God’s ownership of our body and spirit
3) to glorify God in our body and Spirit
As the temple of God, we are warned that God will _______ those who _________ His Temple.
Destroy, defile
The work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the saved: define Regeneration
The act of God whereby, by a second birth, he recreates the believing sinner and gives him a new nature as a child of God.
Regeneration occurs when?
At the moment of salvation
What are the benefits of regeneration?
1) we die to sin and our old sin nature
2) we become a new creature in Christ Jesus with a new nature
3) we walk in newness of life.
4) we become a child a God
5) we receive a new ability to overcome temptation and the world
The work of the Holy Spirit in regards to the saved : define sealed
The act of God whereby He sets the Holy Spirit as a seal upon each believer for the purpose of keeping him until the completion of His salvation
At what moment are we sealed by the Holy Spirit?
At the moment of salvation
Benefits of being sealed by the Holy Spirit
Eph 4:30 indicates that all believers are sealed unto the day of redemption-
1) this passage clearly indicates that sin grieves the Spirit because we are sealed. Sin does not and can not break this seal
2) scripturally, this security is used as an exhortation not to sin, not as an excuse for sin, as detractors wrongfully claim.
3) the message of God’s word is clear: because you are permanently sealed with and joined to God’s Holy Spirit, you are therefore to abstain from sin which will grieve the Spirit and defile His temple.
Closely related, but distinct from the ministry of the Spirit in sealing the believer is His ministry as an Earnest. Define Earnest
Earnest is a deposit, a down payment pledging eventual complete, full, and final payment to come.
The Holy Spirit is the _____ _______ of all our heavenly possessions assuring and guaranteeing us of our future possession of all the blessings of Heaven and our salvation
First fruits
Know that the One (God the Father) giving the Earnest (the Holy Spirit)not the one receiving the Earnest (the believing sinner) is totally responsible for completing the _________
The transaction
The Holy Spirit is thus God’s solemn word ______________ the eternal ______________ of the believer.
Guaranteeing, security
Much confusion about baptism of the Holy Spirit and the other ministries of the Spirit comes from the failure to _________ between the ministries of the Spirit (regeneration, baptism, receiving, indwelling, filling, anointing, sealing, etc,
It is vital to understand that the New Testament NEVER commands us to ________ the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Seek - it occurred at the moment of salvation
This is a death blow to some that believe / teach that the baptism with the Spirit is to be sought as a separate experience from salvation.
We are commanded to be _______ with the Spirit, but we are never commanded to seek to be baptized with the Spirit
The view that Spirit Baptism occurs at water baptism and that water baptism is therefore necessary for salvation is refuted by the fact that the gentiles of Cornelius’ house were explicitly stated to have been baptized with the Spirit ________ they were baptized with water.