Number 6 Flashcards
The Spirit is the co-____________ along with the Father and the Son
The Spirit gave and _________ life
The Spirit has the special ministry of being creations ______________
The spirit came up on all of Saul’s soldiers and later Saul, while they were trying to capture David and caused them to ___________
The Spirit came up on John the Baptist from the _____________
The Old Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit was not ___________ upon salvation
The Old Testament ministry of the Holy Spirit was not ____________
Permanent- it could be lost
The Old Testament ministry of the Spirit was usually anointing for a special _________, call or purpose, not necessarily associated with distinctly spiritual matters.
Since both the omnipresence of the Spirit and the many mentions of his active ministry in the Old Testament demand that the Holy Spirit was present on earth before ___________
The Spirit was being poured out in a new and ____________ New Testament ministry. This new ministry is associated with additional blessings for New Testament believers individually and with corporate empowerment for New Testament churches.
Salvation has always been ________ by ____________ accomplished entirely by God from start to finish. Genuine believers have therefore always been eternally secure distinctions between the old and New Testament ministries of the Spirit do not alter these scriptural facts.
100% by Grace
The _______ __________ has always played a role in salvation. For example, no one could ever have been saved without his convicting ministry.
Holy Spirit 
The exact nature of the Holy Spirit’s role changed from the old to the New Testament with the New Testament believer receiving additional ministries of the Spirit upon his salvation, as part of the promised blessings of the _____ _____________?
New covenant
The Old Testament promised a new and greater ministry of the spirit under the new covenant. One specific promise In Ezekiel’s prophecy of the coming new covenant is the _________ of the Holy Spirit
The new ministry of the Spirit under the new covenant was to be __________ for all believers of all nations from the moment of salvation
Universal - before Pentecost there is no record of the Spirit falling on any nation, other than Israel
The new ministry of the Spirit under the New Covenant was to be permanently _____________ for all the saved 
We have seen that the Old Testament ministry was often temporary. This was illustrated by three Old Testament people who are they?
Illustrated by Samuel, Saul and David
The New Testament indwelling of the Spirit is always secure because even vile sin does not change our nature as the ___________ of the Spirit.
The New Testament ministry of the Spirit is for the _________ of the believer 
The New Testament ministry of the Spirit also included several other new blessings such as?
1)  corporate power for the church
2) special power for soul winning
3) outpouring of spiritual gifts
The Holy Spirit restrained sin in the lost world. This restraining work will continue until the Holy Spirit is removed as the restrainer at the ___________. The restrained work of Satan will then begin as the antichrist is revealed on earth.