Number 5 Flashcards
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in the __________Ps 119:9,11
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in the __________Gal 5:16-25
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in the _________ Heb 10:23-25
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in submissive _________ to the Lord. James 4:7
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in ______ presenceJames 4:8
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying in __________( humble repentance and confession) James 4:6-10
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying out of the _______ James 4:4
Christians must utilize their God-given resources to battle Satan by staying out of situations that make provisions or give opportunities to the ___________Rom13:14
What does it mean to resist the devil?
1) it means to submit to God. Satan wants you to rebel
2) it means to draw near to God. Satan wants you distant from God.
3) it means to humble yourself. Satan wants you proud.
4) it means to confess and genuinely repent of sin. Satan wants you to deny your sin and continue in your sin. 
In 2 Cor 2:10 the specific device warned of in this passage through which Satan gains a foothold of control in our lives is through ______________
Another way to be aware and wary of the devils devices is to be ____________1 Peter 5:8 be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.
Vigilant - constantly alert to the dangers of temptation and attack 
Our response to Satan’s attacks should be to remain steadfast in the faith by resting in and accepting how greatly God loves and cares for us and then ____________ our cares upon him 
Casting - 1 Peter 5:7
Our response to Satan‘s attacks should be to remain steadfast in the faith by knowing that contrary to Satan‘s lies we are not the _________ ones suffering this badly. 1Peter 5:9
Our response to Satan attacks should be to remain steadfast in the faith by knowing that God will supply ___________ through and bring ____________out of our trial 1Peter 5:10
Grace- Good
1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he made devour.
James 4:7
Submit yourselves, therefore to God . Resist the devil and he will flee from you