Number 14 Flashcards
One view of the fallen nature of man is __________, which states there was no sinful nature which was passed on from Adam. God only holds individuals responsible for their own sin. Adam set a terrible president and left a poor example, but that is all.
The popular view of the fallen nature of man is_______________, which states man’s holy nature has been weakened, But not removed, and Man is therefore still capable of living without sin. This view of man’s nature always leads to theologies that include good works as part of obtaining or keeping salvation.
All men inherit the Adamic sin nature, and are thus born as sinners! I sin because I am a ___________. I do not become a sinner because I sin.
Man is incapable of pleasing God or of any good works, which can earn God’s favor for obtaining or keeping salvation apart from the grace of God and the death of Christ for sin
Man is guilty of sin for three reasons what are they?
1) man is guilty because of imputed sin
2) man is guilty because of inherited sin
3) man is guilty because of our involvement in sin
_____________ does not mean that lost man is incapable of love, noble acts, good deeds, and selfishness, reverence for God, compassion, decency, morality, heroism, self sacrifice for the good of others, or of responding to God’s love and grace
Depravity - it does mean that all of these good acts are utterly corrupted by man’s nature, and therefore earn no favor before God
____________ does not mean that men are as bad (sinful) as they can be, but rather that they are as bad off (guilty) as they can be
_______ does not mean that men live lives of utter wickedness, but it does mean that they have a nature of utter wickedness and were it not for restraints on our nature, we would all live lives of utter wickedness
The __________ of us has the capacity to be just like the ________ of us
The judgment of the lost will be at the _______ ________ ________ judgment
Great white throne 
The judgment of the saved will be at the_________ _______ of Christ
Judgment seat
The purpose of this judgment________________ is not to determine salvation. Your eternal destiny in either heaven or hell is already decided before you leave this life.
The judgment Seat of Christ
The purpose of the judgment seat of Christ is NOT to ___________sin
The purpose of this judgment is to reward believers for their pure hearted, good works after their salvation. What judgment is this?
The judgment seat of Christ
The new heavenly Jerusalem is approximately ________ Miles Long, high, and wide
1400 - this is some 15 times the combined surface of the entire earth, including both land and water area
The nature of our resurrected bodies in the new heavenly City will be like his glorious body
The nature of our resurrected bodies, and the new heavenly home will consist of flesh and bone
Christ ate in his glorified body
Our new resurrected bodies will not be subjected to laws of gravity and time, and they will be recognizable bodies, and they will be eternal bodies