Nuclear Reprogramming - Lecture 20 Flashcards
What did Hans Driesch show?
Each cell at the two-cell or four-cell stage are totipotent
What did Hans Spemann show?
○ 16 cell stage nuclei remain totipotent
○ Gave rise to clones by migrating the nucleus
What did Briggs and Kings do?
Clone frog embryos from blastula stage nuclei but failed to get proper development from nuclei from differentiated cells
What does the Waddington landscape show?
Potency decrease with time
What did John Gurdon do?
○ Cultured adult skin cells and tadpole gut epithelial cells and removed the nucleus
○ Destroyed the DNA in nucleus of an unfertilised egg
○ Transferred nucleus into egg
- Results: Tadpole develops and that differentiated cells contain all the genes necessary for becoming an adult organism
How did John Gurdon produce clones?
○ Removed several nuclei from blastula
○ Implanted nuclei into enucleated eggs
What did Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmut do?
Cloned a mammal (Dolly the sheep)
What is the structure of the early mammalian embryo?
○ Trophoblast: becomes the placenta and extraembryonic membranes
○ Inner cell mass: forms embryonic stem cells and germ cells
○ Blastocyst cavity
○ Primitive endoderm
What can embryonic stem cells be used for?
○ Study development in vitro
○ Generate genetically modified animals
○ Generate teratomas (benign cancers)
What did Yoshiki Sasai do?
○ Developed eyes in a test tube and parts of the brain in 3D culture
○ New field: organoids (organs in vitro)
What did Shinya Yamanaka do?
○ Reprogramming differentiated cells back to a pluripotent embryonic state without having to use nuclear transplantation
○ Induced pluripotency stem cells (iPS)