Microevolution - Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is microevolution?
Changes in the gene pool of a population of organisms over time
What is the gene pool?
○ All alleles of all individuals in a population
○ Represents all of the genetic variation in a population
How is microevolution different to macroevolution?
○ Major evolutionary events above the level of the species e.g. the evolution of major animal groups
○ Speciation
○ Evolutionary events within a species or population
○ Microevolution plus chance events gives rise to macroevolution
What does evolution by natural selection require?
○ Differential reproductive success
○ Genetic variation
What is the study of microevolution called?
○ Population genetics
○ A synthesis of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection with Mendel’s theory of inheritance
What can population genetics tell us about evolving humans pathogens?
○ Bacteria: antibiotic resistance
○ Viruses: resistance to antiviral drugs
○ Emerging new pathogens
What was significant about the Spanish flu?
○ Had a high case fatality rate (CFR)
○ CFR = The proportion of people infected that died
When did SARS-CoV-2 first infect humans?
○ Time to most recent common ancestor: 24 November 2019
Where did SARS-CoV-2 come from?
○ Diverged from a similar bat virus 40-70 years ago
○ Most similar CoV to SARS-CoV-2 is from horseshoe bat (96%)
What can population genetics tell us about human evolution in response to pathogens?
Heterozygous form of both thalassemias (alpha and beta) give resistance to the malaria parasite
What can population genetics tell us about the genetic structure of wild populations
○ How much genetic diversity is present in a population
○ How it is distributed
○ The response of a population to change
How is the gene pool studied?
○ Look at one gene at a time
○ Use a single gene locus model
○ Measure allele frequency and genotype frequency
How to measure allele frequency?
Number of allele of one type/Total number of alleles
How to measure genotype frequency?
Number of individuals of one genotype/Total number of individuals
What is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
○ p^2+2pq+q^2 = 1
○ p = dominant homozygous frequency (AA)
○ 2pq = heterozygous frequency (Aa)
○ q = recessive homozygous frequency (aa)
What are the requirements for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
○ Population size is large
○ Mating is random
○ No migration from other populations
○ No selection
○ No mutation (ignore if measured over a short period of time)
What factors can lead to changes in allele and genotype frequencies?
○ Genetic drift (low population size)
○ Non-random mating
○ Migration/gene flow
○ Selection
How is genetic variation preserved?
Natural selection:
○ Balancing selection
- Heterozygote advantage
- Frequency dependent selection
○ Different selective pressures across the geographic range of the population
○ Neutral theory (Motoo Kimura)