Nuclear Energy Flashcards
Define Metasomatism
Process by which the chemical composition of the rock is changed by interaction with fluids. Replacement of 1 mineral by another mineral without melting
Name categories of Worldwide Uranium deposits
U Unconformity related B Breccia cmples deposits S Sandstone dep S Surficial dep V Volcanic dep I Intrusive dep M Metasomatite dep M Metamorphic dep Q Qtz pebble conglomerate dep V Vein dep
What at the ore minerals in Uranium
Uraninite UO2
Pitchblende U3O8
What isotopes make up Uranium.
238U and 235U
235U fissile or non fissile and why?
235U is fissile
atomic nucleus will always fission when struck by a free neutron
Methods of Uranium enrichment- isotope separation.
Thermal diffusion
gaseous diffusion
gas centrifuge
zippe centrifuge
Nucleur reactor type?
Thermal reactor
Fast reactor
Types of Thermal Reactor?
Light Water Reactor ( BWR and PWR)
Heavy Water Reactor
Graphite Moderator
Reactor Components
Control rods ( below in BWR and above in PWR) Nucleur fuel rods Moderator material ( slows down fast neutrons turning them to thermal neutrons that can sustain a nuclear chain rxn)
what are common used moderators?
deuterium ( heavy water)
hydrogen (ie ordinary or light water)
Boiling water reactor (BWR)
water boils. steam is produced and turns turbines
NO steam generator
control rods from below,
Pressurized Water Reactor PWR
pressurized unit keeps water under high pressure. prevents boiling
StEAM generator
steam through turbing produces electricity
control rods from above
3 loops
Heavy Water Reactor
neutron mod is heavy water( deuterium)
coolant is heavy water
Light Water Reactor
Neutron med is water (normal)
coolant is water (normal)
Fast reactor
fast neutrons to sustain a fission chain rxn
no mod material
needs highly enriched fuel ( eg weapons grade uranium or plutomium)