Nuclear Chemistry Flashcards
Mass Number
The total number of proton and neutron in an isotope
the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value.
each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei
the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.
Fusion is the process of combining two or more things together into one
Nuclear Decay
the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation
Nuclear Reaction
a change in the identity or characteristics of an atomic nucleus that results when it is bombarded with an energetic particle
the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts.
Alpha Particle
a helium nucleus emitted by some radioactive substances, originally regarded as a ray.
Atomic Mass
The amount of protons and neutrons in an atom
the changing of one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment, or similar processes.
Beta Particle
a fast-moving electron emitted by radioactive decay of substances. (The emission of beta particles was originally regarded as a ray.).
Chain Reaction
a chemical reaction or other process in which the products themselves promote or spread the reaction, which under certain conditions may accelerate dramatically.