NT GOBBET Flashcards
The Mission of the Twelve
luke 9
luke 9
The Mission of the Twelve Herod’s Perplexity Feeding the Five Thousand Peter’s Declaration about Jesus Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection The Transfiguration Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon Jesus Again Foretells His Death True Greatness Another Exorcist A Samaritan Village Refuses to Receive Jesus Would-Be Followers of Jesus
luke 15
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parable of the Lost Coin
The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother
luke 16
The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
The Law and the Kingdom of God
The Rich Man and Lazarus
luke 22
The Plot to Kill Jesus The Preparation of the Passover The Institution of the Lord’s Supper The Dispute about Greatness Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial Purse, Bag, and Sword Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus Peter Denies Jesus The Mocking and Beating of Jesus Jesus before the Council
Luke 9 context
broadly keeping with MK in ‘ministry to galilee section’
luke omits: straight from 5000 to peter’s declaration
transfiguration between demonstrations of Jesus power/messiah and jesus reframing it with the intention of going to the cross
emphasis on incomprehension
luke 9 contribution
disenfranchised: unexpected new leaders
continuation: feeding 12/ moses, elijah
good news: 9.26 kingdom of god
israel’s failure to recognise its own messiah: incomprehension
reversal: magnificat/ 9.46 child
liberation: exodus, messiah suffer
the mission of the 12
luke 9.1-6 'then' not taking provision= test of welcome Bovon - LTJ: wandering cynic philo v6 'good news' - luke 4 sermon using Isaiah
good news= kingdom of god
rem of Isaiah in Lk 4.18
herod’s perplexity
omits extended account of John’s death
elijah: ref to malachi 4:5 and messianic expectation of 2nd temple p
feeding of the 5000
9.10-17 K of G para 9.2/6 and manifesto 4 omit disciple complaint rapid fire dialogue: dif perspective para ch22 4 vebal points and idea of giving thanks 12 basket= 12 tribes bovon -omit mk 2nd feeing of 4000 7 basket = 70 gentile nations - wildernes: provision of god to israel emph on ppl satiety
Peter’s declaration about jesus
9.18-20 turning point structurally setting up for transfiguration sandwich reappearance of elijah messiah (peter) faulty for Jesus omits peter's rebuke: smooth path to T
Jesus foretells his death and resurrection
LTJ 2/3 passion predictions mentioned in 9
- 3rd mentioned in 18 also in geo structure
“elder, chief, priest and scribes”= jewish court
pivot christ: son of man (dan 7) preferred
reversal dynamic life= death
the transfiguration
9.28-36 departure point of focus with moses and elijah moses= law elijah= prophet neither had face to face 9.31 ref to exodus aim= establish compatibility of suffering messiah voice from the cloud - this is my son david ps 2 - the chosen one isaiah 42 - listen to him deut 18 :) combo
Jesus heals a boy with a demon
9.37-43 rep of transfi rhythm rebuke 'how much longer must I be with you" - echo departure: exodus deut 32.5 God exasperated with Israel
Jesus again foretells his death
dispute of greatness
ironic: disciples try to stop someone from healing who actually has the faith to heal
a samaritan village refuses jesus
geo turning point
basic rhythm of T
why are the disciples wrong if in 10.13-15 Jesus condemns a town for rejecting him (after showing miracle)
- because he had not yet reached jerusalem
the would be followers of jesus
closely linked to 9.18-27
cost of following jesus= daily taking cross
discipleship involves to forego the hope of worldly resources, willingness to reconsider socially important prioritites, disregard even good things like friends
luke 15 context
only synoptic para 1-7 w/Matt 18
- did lk us M/M or M/M use luke??
rich portrayal of the complex messaih w/ lostness
local context: structure
balance: male (sheep) female (coin)
- broader patter
birth prophecies: songs of zechariah and mary
healing of the servant centurion/widow son
luke 15 contribution
disenfranchised: male and female balance
continuation: OT reg cleanliness, dishonour of son, working for gentile, ezekial shepherd ref
reversal: lost are found, younger son willing to be a servant/ older feels like a servant
christology: king-servant messiah seeks
soteriology: cost of seeking (coin)
ethics/ethnic: gentile (young) jew (older) Xcyril
the parable of the lost sheep
need for messiah
jesus responds to scribes and pharisee about his association with sinners
wilderness- reckless? x: grassland/pasture
real life scenario: intuitive/right
sheep not sinners: no moral accountability and contamination
sheeps inherently valued
jesus is not worried about sinners contaminting him= other-wordly
shepherd’s reaction is diametrically opposed to P/S reactions
shares joy with friends
- rep in next parable
jesus’ understanding of heavenly society
- P/S at a distance from heavenly world-view
the parable of the lost coin
15.8-10 coin=intuive: no moral accountability/ contamination difficult nature of search - lamp= expense/duration after dark - sweeping= dedication - carefully
shared joy
religious elite do not share Jesus’ view
the parable of the prodigal son and his brother
most sig/influential in global literature
belongs with preceding of sheep and coin
but devs moral issue
- no common consensus: grave social sin of aksing for inheritance (implying you wish your father to be dead)
no search for son
father waits for him to ‘come to his senses’
- father looks for older son
= rep gentile (younger) and jew (israel older) relationship with god?
social outcasts/sinners generally come looking for jesus and Jesus be healing them is actively seeking them
rejoicing dynamic is present
- acknowledgement of guilt heard but not renunciation of sonship
LTS ‘we had to celebrate and rejoice’
- for luke the recognition of humna need is greater than the law
register shift to personal relationships
older son does not want to be contaminated
- sends servants to see what is happening
- ’ you may be happy to call him son but I am not happy to call him brother’
by alligning himself with the father, Jesus is radically critiquing contemporary ethics
younger vs older son
- gnostic/valentinian: human vs angels (who are jealous of humans redemption by God
- early church: gentile (sin= idolatry) vs jew (sin= hard heart)
- X cyril: older brother kept all commandments
luke 16 context
largely independent from M/M
apart 16.13 and 16.17
- matt: impossibility of serving two masters is free standing
- in luke: it is the conclusion of the dishonest manager parable
parallel to sermon on the mount in matt
structure/local context
- superficially united by engagement with the subject of wealth
luke 16 contribution
disenfranchised: poor
continuation: OT
- 16.14-18 law’s authority?
- 16.18 divorce harsher than OT law
- 16.29 Abraham
good news: rich man wants to warn brother
reversal: rich man and lazarus
ethics: divorce
the parable of the dishonest manager
use of morally ambiguous character is not untypical of luke (parable of friend woken at midnight lk11)
‘then’- same temporal time frame? but dif audience of ‘disciple’ vs previous ‘P/S’
greek: then= ‘and’ (jesus simply takes disciples to one side?)
surprise: master’s happy reaction
- he rates the insight into the man’s heart greater than money
manager acted ‘prudently/shrewdly’ vs b4 ‘squandered’
v. 8-9 distinction between life in this world and eternal life in the world to come
- ‘the children of this age’= ppl who live w/o knowledge of the coming age vs children of the light
friends by dishonest wealth
- investing resources at your disposal in those who will be inhabitants and influences in the age to come esp least/lost
- affirmed by lazarus/rich man
! controversial: rewards in heaven for actions on earth..
God as debt reducer (lost son parable)
true riches? synoptic ref
masters= god and wealth
the manager’s master is wealth because his horizons are limited to his age vs Jesus
The law and the kingdom of God
teaching of foregoing parable applied to pharisees
- living within the intellectual framework of ‘this age’
Jesus feels he needs to clarify that he is not agaisnt the law
- his problem: their actions/attitudes are shaped by a wordview whose assumptions are constrained by here/now
divorce: LTJ articulates a standard harsher than the law (OT)
- he is more committed to the ongoing relevance of the law than his opponents
the rich man and lazarus
w/background info parable is v well crafted
- if the parable of the dishonest manager highlighted the difference between living under the rubric of the current age or the coming age
- the parable of the rich and and lazarus graphically spells the difference out
– no thought beyond end of physical life= eternal consequences
‘bosom of Abraham’= intimacy
rags to riches for Lazarus
rich man= shrewd manager?
reversal: who needs whose help?
abraham= moral accountability
- impossibility of going back
- rich man’s appeal to Abraham is contextualised by John the baptist’s remarks about insufficiency of simply claiming abraham as father and the necessity of bringing forth works in keeping with repentance
allusion to Jesus’ death
- ‘neither will they be convinced even if someone from the dead rises’
Luke 22 context
Lk journey ends with ‘triumphant’ entry ch19
prepared us jesus self-conscientious identificiation
synoptic parallel:last supper/crow prophecy
- lk intro/meal prep= mk
- unique: jesus speech b4 meal/ satan (judas/peter)
- omits Mk intro to betrayal/soldier weapons
- dispute about greatness (
Luke 22 contribution
- ‘new covenant in my blood’ Jeremiah
- 12 disciples as judges for 12 tribes of Israel
- ‘take this cup from me’ jer= cov
- - pop culture: dumbledore
reversal: servant leadership- passing cup
Hellenistic tone: death of philosopher
grief for disciples not jesus
soteriology: eucharistic celebration
Jesus predicts Peter’s denial
satan mk- peter is accused of being satan by jesus
satan in lk 4- jesus affirmed his identity x3 vs Peter denies x3
‘all of you’: emph of testing for all disciples
peter’s ‘return’= conversion
purse bag and sword
rev of lk 9.3 (original instruction)
Jesus rhetorical Q recalls the sufficiency of God’s provision
LTJ: original instruction was to facilitate assessment of the household they were to enter but here they will not be welcomed
Isaiah 53.2 ‘trangressors’ ref
- disciples need to arm themelves
- Jesus feared he would be killed in the garden and not on the cross
- fulfiling isaiah 53.12 by divine knowledge
JEsus prays on the mount of olive
emph on Jesus’ foresight
- why does he urge them to pray against temptation if he knows they will betray him
‘cup’ (last supper ref LTJ)
- dying with covenantal obligation
- Jeremiah: god’s judgement 25.15 against =cup
jesus isolation= sufficiency as saviour
v40 connection to lord's prayer v41 little psychic distress 'agony' = physical effort relate to hellenic v45 'grief' for disciples not jesus = philo
The betrayal and the arrest
kiss- synoptic
- OT: Jaob used to mark murderous intention towards his brother Amamsa (2 sam 20/9)
- hellen: sign of reconciliation (WEIMA)
all 4 mention swords but only Lk mentions the healing of the ear
- hellenistic norm: uphold value until the end
Peter denies Jesus
- number 3: hebrew idiom=decisive identification (temptation)
v61 prophetic
- only in Lk: jesus turns towards peter
- not only did jesus know he knew the exact moment
- prophetic vocab ‘peter remembered the word of the lord’
the mocking and the beating of Jesus
pattern: luke sanitises the raw edges of mark
- no ref to spitting
guards know of Jesus’ rep
- mocking prophetic ability (LTJ ironic)
- religious mocking= mocking god
J determined purpose: no need to fight
- suffering servant: transfiguration
Jesus before the council
66-71 omit false witness/accusation that Jesus would destroy the temple focus on Jesus' identity Jesus highlights hard heart of accusers - progressive theme Dan 7 son of man - claim to divinity as messiah
Jesus accusers affirmed that he was the son of God ‘you therefore are the son of god?’
messiah: politically charged term constantly needs to be recontextualised by Jesus’ ref to son of man