Luke-Acts Flashcards
to bring good news to the poor
He has sent me to proclaim release to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free
educated Hellenistic world
jew: intimate knowledge of scriptures
gentile: inclusive message
henry cadbury 1927
- muratorian canon: extra biblical evidence
- continuity: hero (Jesus/Paul) journeys and is arrested on false charges
- reversal of geo journey
- theophilus mentioned in both
- themes: christology, HS, eschatology and discipleship
explanatory declaration
unique to luke
1.3: to write an orderly account
- greek: diegesis= narrative/accoount= explicit historical intent
persuasive theo narrative joel b GREEN
“divine necessity of Jesus’ mission” HCSB
- Alan THOMPSON ‘dei’= ‘it is necessary’ x18 lk and x22 in Acts
= reliability of God’s word
continuity in the story of J.C and portray him as the fulfilment of salvation whilst being all inclusive especially towards the Gentiles
JOHN T SQUIRES “beacon of hope”
- use of the OT
- setting (geographical and temporal)
preface: author admits using sources 1.1-4
Mark, Q, L (unique to luke)
no/little evidence that luke used the same source for the gospel and acts
acts= mystery
- luke can be compared to other gospels, both canonical and non-canonical
- acts is isolated in its genre
earliest account of Jesus’ followers
1.1 “the events that have come to fulfilment among us”- “fulfilment”
George V SHILLINGTON: fulfilment through the symbolic life of Israel
ROWE: not rigid prophecy fulfilment scheme
birth: fulfilment lang/mary’s magnificat/ab
JEREMIAS: Jesus lived in the OT
- 34 Simon: this child will be the falling and raising of many Israel
- 21 today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing
- 44 everything written about me in the law of moses, the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled
FEEDING- 12 baskets (omits Mk 2nd feeding with 7 baskets BOVON= 70 gentiles nations) ISAIANIC TRADITIONS TRANSFIGURATION TEMPTATION PASSOVER CRUCIFIXION (servant vs king)
JOHN T SQUIRES (42-43/ 2§9) chosen one light to the nations salvation = Jesus
jesus= lord of all acts 10.36
- 32 “a light for revelation to the Gentiles”
- 1-10 healing of the Gentile centurio slave
- 44 instruction of the risen christ “forgivness of sins is to… all the nations”
- ‘lost parables’ become found lk15 (response to scribes and pharisees)
- rich man and lazarus lk 16
- last supper 22: servant/leader passing cup
inclusivity- women
women are present at the cross
general structure of parable
- lost sheep (man)
- lost coin (woman)
shillington ‘the implied author of Luke is often viewed as the evangelist most concerned about the place of women in the new community of Jesus’
levine: restrictive rather than progressive
karris “recontextualise”
moses= law
elijah= prophets
- neither saw god face to face
- 31 ref to exodus
aim: establish comptability of Jesus’ messiahship and suffering journey to Jerusalem
voice from the cloud
- this is my son ps2;7-9 DAVIDIV
- the chosen one ISAIAH 42.1 SUFFER
- listen to him DEUT 18.15 :) w/ combo
vow of renunication
“this cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood” (dif from syno)
- “new covenant” Jeremiah
- LTJ ‘blood’ with Moses gen 15/157 but now IN jesus
kymball (deut)
food 8.13
worship 6.13
devil popular 6.16
parallel to israel’s shortcomings
- link back to simon this child will be the falling and rising of many israel
- link forward to ‘new covenant’ at passover and how Jesus will not fail God= Jesus
even prior mocking is sanitised
- lack of spitting (mk)
psalm 31.5 not 22
father into your hands I commend my spirit
my god, my god, why have you foresaken me
moyise: suffering and deliverance woven
green: suffering= exaltation isaiah
bock: royalty not contrary but consituted by degradation
josh jipp: davidic king
donald senior: starkly understated
jesus as preexistent green- abraham motif - barrenness - foretelling of greatness -blesing -promises -offspring
jesus as preexistent (begininning in scripture) green- abraham motif - barrenness - foretelling of greatness -blesing -promises -offspring abraham cycle vs lk1
repeated cov lang
- mercy, remebrance, favour, promise, oath
mary’s magnificat= hannah when she is told about the concept of the great prophet samuel (Nils DAHL)
the matrix of Christianity was Palestine Judaism
Luke discloses “ a single skein of events, all of which stem from the marvellous fulfilment by God of his covenant promises to Israel”
socratic death
luke is concerned with the political implications of Jesus death
first century christians would have recognised socrates death in the death confession
paradigmatic martyr of his society
- 3 declarations of innocence by Pilate lk23
- 2nd one P says, Herod found J innocent too
- centurion’s confession changed from Mk “truly this man was God’s son” to “truly his man was innocent
posture of piety STERLING
- donald SENIOR: stark and understated
- calm in the gethsemane
ommitted mk “ my soul is deeply distressed”
“he fell on the ground and prayed” to “he got down on his knees and prayed”
- sanitised mocking (no spitting MK)
death suffer OT
despite socratic/martyr death Jesus did suffer
- 24.44 everything written about me..
- 24.46 messiah is to suffer
Lloyd GATSON 22.46 ??
GREEN suffering messiah= oxymoron/ hermeneutical innovation
suffering servant
isaiah 42 GREEN
passover: omit of washing of the feet but still passing of the cup
acts 3.13 “he has glorified his servant”
isaiah 53 “ he was numbered with trangressors”
davidic king
psalm 22 davidic voice Joshua JIPP - unique to 3rd gospel not psalm 33.5 both david and jesus - verbally mocked - friends at a distance
salvific death
link between passover and passion
passover= liberation feast
“active remembrance” DONAL SENIOR of God’s greatest act of salvation for Israel
- now for all of humanity
“new covenant in my blood”
- new covenant Jeremiah
- blood LTJ moses gen 15/17
jesus= “new exodus”
necessary death
in both nature (suffering messiah) and in function= salvific (passover and passion)