Gen/authors overview Flashcards
1-11 God and the world
12-50 God and just one man, Abraham, and his family
connective story beginning of ch12.1-3
1-11 God and the world
Humans made in God’s image
made to be reflections
God’s representatives to rule his world on his behalf
Harness creations potential and create beauty and order
all God’s blessing
humans have a choice of how they are going to build this world
tree of knowledge/life
freedom of choice: trust God’s definition of good and evil or seize autonomy and define good and evil for themselves
to rebel against God is to embrace death as he is the Giver of Life
represented by the tree of life
ch3 snake enters (no intro) created that god made in rebellion
seizing knowledge will make you like god
ironic: humans are already like god! (in god’s image)
1st casualty: human relationship
ashamed of one another and make clothes
2nd causality: intimacy with god
hide from god and when god finds them blame each other
God states tragic consequences
despite the snakes apparent victory he is destined for defeat
one day a seed (descendant) will give a lethal strike to the snakes head
cost: the snake too will deliver a lethal strike
‘wonded victor’
act of grace: god promises to eventually rescue them
doesn’t erase the consequences of the human’s decision
refraction of consequences
4 cain kills abel
god warns him
cain goes on to build a city where violence and oppression reign
Lamech: first man in the bible to have more than one wife/ song
9- flood
saves one blameless human and his family
repeats divine saying said in genesis 1
noah fails: plants vineyard and gets drunk
one of the sons (ham) does something shameful to the father in the tent
new adam in noah- shameful and naked
11- babylon
making a great name for themselves
god humbles their pride and scatters them
12-50 God and just one man, Abraham, and his family
12-25a Abraham
abraham betrays his wife 12 and 20
abraham sleeps with Hagar
God formalises his promises to Abraham 15 and 17
abraham trusts god’s promise
covenant and sign of the covenant
reminder of gift from God
25b-36 Isaac and Jacob
Jacob= “deceiver” cheats his brother of his inheritance and tricks his blind father
in turn cheated by his uncle Laban= humbled Jacob returns to his homeland
Jacob wrestles with God and demands to be blessed
God indulges him and renames him Israel= ‘wrestles with God’
37-50 Jacob’s sons
Jacob love his second to youngest son more than any others
gives Joseph special jacket
brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt
God frees Joseph and the pharaoh elevates Joseph into second in command
Joseph saves the nation of egypt in a famine (including his family)
“you planned this for evil, but God planned it for good to save many lives”
strategically placed at the end of the book to act as main message
god remains faithful and help people despite their failures
united by repeated failures however God remains faithful to them
promise of wounded victor connected to abraham then to judah the 4th son of Jacob
jacob’s final blessing: judah will be the tribe of israel’s royal leaders and one day a king will come to restore the garden blessing to the rest of the world
growing family remains in egypt
prior partnership with everyone failed so God selects a few for a covenant where there are promises in exchange of commitments
4 covenants
Noah: flood, noah doesn’t actually do anything in terms of commitments
Israel: commandements (Moses)
King David: Israel dev into great nation/ ensure Israel is faithful to God and God promises that one of David’s descendants/ son will inherent God’s kingdom of peace and blessing over all the nations (Jesus?)
Israel breaks the covenant
prophets talk about a day where God would restore the covenant in spite of Israel’s failings
“new covenant” Jeremiah? = Jesus
Jesus fulfils all these covenants
and is God incarnate: to be that faithful partner humanity has failed to be
connective story beginning of ch12.1-3
12 calling of Abram from God to Cannaan
great name: recalls babylon
blessing: genesis 1
land/nation: foreshadows israelites struggle with their exodus?
adam and eve, cain murder, tower
know of aqedah
passive abraham
sacrificial ritual 8.20 (gen 15)
theo image
walk with me and be blameless
new epoch
‘how much faith?’
canaan (father)
unconditional and bilateral
15 and 17: incomplete
causal R: faith and covenant
inherent: mel, nation, kingdom
sodom= human deeds involved: commendable rationality
kaminsky and rowley
election x3
- elect
- non elect: prostitute in josh 2
- anti-elect
T.W mann
baher aheb <3 - food gen - child gen - stranger deut
mendall and herion
david charter
unusual retro gen 15 unilateral
intimate R
implied creation cov
‘my cov’ 6.18
- points to prior
heqim, when used with berit only ever refers to perpetuating a pre-existing covenan
Desmon and Baker
OT dic
gen 6 as an intro to gen 9
not enough lang of cov
necessary= miraculous birth
circumcision: ethical (walk)ritual (circumcision)
irremovable= eternal
arbitrary election?
unlike God?
- not really: look at big pic w/past failings
gen 4
if you do well, will you not be accepted?
gen 17
so shall my covenant in your flesh be everlasting
gen 18
for I have chosen him
god contemplates telling Abraham about the fate of Sodom, and decides to do so because He has “chosen him”