NPS-patient assessment Flashcards
What are the 4 critical life functions?
What is the most important life function?
What life function is the biggest problem in neonates and peds?
What is FAS
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Gravida (G)
Any pregnancy, regardless of how long, & including current pregnancy
I am G2
Para (P)
Birth after 20 weeks gestation regardless if the infant survives or not
I am G2, P2
Define Primigravida
Refers to a woman’s first pregnancy
Mother’s obstetrical history is described as G2, P1
This is moms second pregnancy, but the first pregnancy was carries passed at 20 weeks.
Define Macrosomia
An infant that is > 400g (8 lbs.)
Mother’s with Pregestational Diabetes Mellitus have an increased risk of what?
Pre-clampsia, hypertension, hypo & hyperglycemia, and more like to require a C- section
Define Toxoplasmosis
Route of maternal infection caused by protozoa, raw meats, cat feces, soil, etc.
Perinatal Maternal infection happens when?
Happens during or after delivery?
What is the most common perinatal infection? And how do you tx. mom and baby?
Group B Steptococcus Infection
Resembles IRDS, febrile, hypotensive, septic —> suspect if so !!
If mom has an infection assume baby has this
Determine if mom was tx’d with antibiotics prior to delivery
If newborn is febrile, hypotensive, septic, and has respiratory distress & mom has an infection…what should you suspect?
Group B Streptococcal Pneumonia
Define PIH
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)- elevated blood pressure after 20th week of gestation (did not have prior to pregnancy) (140/90)
Define Pre-eclampsia
Maternal hypertension accompanied by proteinuria (protein in urine) and edema (pitting edema)
Maternal hypertension accompanied by seizures and coma
What happens when Pre-eclampsia is not treated ?
Eclampsia occurs which means mom is at high risk for seizures and/or coma.
How is Maternal Hypertension tx’d?
Treat symptoms with balanced diet, bed rest, antihypertensive agents
Magnesium Sulfate may be used to lower BP and delay preterm delivery
When is Magnesium Sulfate used?
To lower BP in moms with maternal hypertension and delay preterm delivery of baby
2 ways to estimate gestational age
- Nageles Rule - DOB= first day of moms last period, subtract 3 months and add 7 days
- Fetal US- Diameter of fetal head or length of fetal femur
What is BPP and what does it measure/evaluate?
Biophysical Profile (BPP) Evaluates placental function and fetal well-being
What are the 5 variables to BPP?
Fetal breathing movements Fetal Movements Fetal Tone Reactive fetal HR Amniotic fluid volume
Interpret results of BPP (Biophysical Profile)
8-10 = normal
6= repeat in 24 hours
< or equal to 4= repeat test same day if < 32 wks and then deliver if BPP is <6. Induce if older than 32 weeks.
What procedure involves a needle being inserted through the mother’s abdominal wall into the amniotic sac in order to withdraw a sample of amniotic fluid.
AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index) is used to do what?
Quantify amniotic fluid volume
AFI between 8-18 indicates what?
normal amount of amniotic fluid
AFI 5-6 indicates what?
amniotic fluid is low- oligohydramnios
AFI 20-24 is considered what?
amniotic fluid is high
What does oligohydramnios mean?
Low amount of amniotic fluid
What does polyhydramnios mean?
High amount of amniotic fluid
What is IUGR and what is it most common with?
Inuterine Growth Retardation
Common in Oliohydraminos (reduced amount of amniotic fluid)
Potter’s syndrome is common in what scenario? & what is it?
Common in Oligohydramnios and is a renal malformation
What is erythroblastosis?
When moms WBC’s attack babies RBC
How is L/S ratio measured?
From amniotic fluid during amniocentesis
L/S ration 2:1 or higher indicates what?
Low risk of RDS and lung maturity
L/S ration less then 2:1 indicates what?
High risk of RDS
Explain S/A Ratio
Surfactant/Albumin Ratio
- Newer and helpful in diabetic moms
- Less expensive and more accurate
- Levels > 55 mg/g indicate lung maturity ( high levels =good)
S/A ratio of 55 is ???
Good! indicates lung maturity.
What does the Coombs test evaluate?
Evaluates Blood type incompatibility
What medications are utilized to induce labor?
Oxytocin (Pitocin or Syntocinon)
Why are Tocolytic Agents used?
What is one commonly used Tocolytic Agent?
They are used to inhibit uterine contractions by relaxing smooth muscle in the uterine wall
Magensium Sulfate - Terbutaline
Fetal HR less than 110 indicates?
Bradycardia/ fetal distress
Fetal HR greater than 160 indicates what?
What is normal fetal HR?
Explain late decelerations (Type II)
They start after the contraction begins & cont after it ends and/or may show no change in HR with contractions.
This may result in neonatal distress, infections, asphyxia
Maternal 02 is administered
Considered a high risk delivery
Explain variable deceleration’s (Type III)
Indicates umbillical cord compression/ occlusion of fetal acidemia.
Considered a high risk delivery
Normal fetal scalp pH (while in utero)
> 7.25
FSp02 & what is normal?
Fetal Oxygen Saturation
40-70% = stable
<20% = hypoxemia and need for immediate delivery
When are Maternal Steriod Administration given?
Corticosteriods are given to the mother intravenously before birth to stimulate surfactant production (enhance lung maturity)
Must be administered at least 24 hours prior to delivery
Explain Placental Previa
Abnormally low implantation of the placenta in uterus
Dx w/ ultrasound and possible bleeding of mom
Tx w/ bedrest, monitoring, fetal HR monitoring, and possible c-section