Notes from Powerpoint Flashcards
Define sport psychology 1
it is a science in which the principle software psychology are applied din a sport or exercise setting
Define sport psychology 2
the study of the effect of psychological and emotional factors on sport and excise performance
What are the principles in sport psychology meant for?
these principles are used to enhance performance
What kind of things happen within this?
it is not only the enhancement of athletic performance but also the socialpsychological aspects of human enrichment
The sport psychologist and types
- the sport psychologist is interest in much more than performance enhancement
- they view sports as the vehicle for human enrichment
- interested in helping every sport participant reach his or her goals
clinical and counseling sport psychologist
the type of sport psychologist that is required to be licensed and have specialized training in clinical and/or counseling psychology
educational sports psychologist
the type of sport psychologist that uses education as a medium for teaching athletes and coaches correct principles associated with sport psychology
research sports psychologist
the type of sport psychologist who is mainly interested in research and in expanding the knowledge base in sport psychology
history of sport psychology
- first research conducted was from Norman triplet in 1897
2. he analyzed the performance of cyclists under conditions of social facilitation
Norman tripplet, he analyzed the performance of cyclists under conditions of social facilitation
he concluded from his research that the presence of other competitors to better cycling performances
the father of sport psychology
- coleman fgriffith
- credited for establishing the first sport psychology lab at the university of Illinois in 1952
- the ist sport psychologist to be hired bu professional team the Chicago cubs
bruce Ogilvie
father of applied sport psychology
rainier marten
- father of modern sport psychology
2. done more for North American sport psychology than any other person stated before
issues of race with applied sport psychology
- an important goal of applied sport psychology is to attract ore individuals from different races
- the vast majority of sport psychologist are Caucasians from a European background while many college professional atheist are African American
- it is said until there are more African American and other ethnic groups in sports psychology, Caucasians will have to focus upon understanding and accept cultural differences
- the sport psychologist must posses cultural competence and that is a person undertdaning his or her cleats racial dent, hs or her own racial identity, and the role that plays
race thinking vs racist thinking
- it is impotent to undress the differences
- race thinking is thinking of race issues in a non racist way
- cost thinking is thinking in a way that discriminates
multicultural training in sport psychology
four step domain:
- experience heightened awareness
- gain knowledge
- learn intervention skills
- supervised practicum to gain hands on experience
gender and feminist issues
women have been overlooked in the development of psychology in the field of sports and they want to make sure sexual exploitation in the ares stops
feminism wants to add in more people
sexual exploitation
- there are two types of sexual harassment mentioned
- there is the quid pro quo harassment bargaining of privileges or sexual favors
- hostile environment harassment- a negative and debilitating experience
new notes begin here: Tuesday
intrinsic motivation
motivation that comes from within
extrinsic motivation
motivation that comes from without
self confidence and motivation are not synonymous concepts, but they are very closely related. this chapter mainly talks about self confidence and yourself motivation to you. for example, telling yourself you can do it, instead of telling yourself that you can’t
successful performance
the athlete mist expienrce in order for self efficacy to develop
vicarious experience
beginning athletes can experience success through the use of models
verbal persuasion
verbal persuasion usually comes in the form of encouragement from the coach, parents, or peers
emotional arousal
emotional and physiological arousal are factors that can influence readiness for learning
haters competence motivation theory
- competence motivation increase the athlete encouragement to make further mastery attempt
- if a young athlete attempts a mastery results and receives social rejection, then low competence motivation and negative affect will be the end product
- boys and girls who underestimate their own competence tend to be candidates for dropping out of sports
vealy’s multidimensional model of sport confidence
- sport confidence is revision of model of sport confidence
- conceptualized as being more dispositional or state like across a continuum of time
psychological momentum is a positive or negative change in cognition, affect physiology and behavior cause by an event or series of events that’ll result in a commensurate short in performance and completive outcome
hot hand phenomenon in basketball
- this explains how if someone ha s good streak going of making short over an dover they have what is Calle d hot hand. it is giving them confidence that they can continue shooting and that they have their shooting streak down so when they play in a game they will actually have more confidence in shooting
- hot hand describes the belief that performance of an athlete temporarily improves following a string of success (streak shooting)
gender and self confidence
- I have decided that it is not my own gender or anyones gender, that makes the important difference. instead, it is gender in society that opens opportunities, imposes limits, and makes a difference in the real world of sport and exercise
- 1972 was a landmark year for girls and women in sport in the United States of America. this was the year that the government passed the title 9, the federal act mandate nondiscrimination in federally funded education programs
- this single historical event did more to expand opportunities for sport involvement for women than any other combination of events or social changes in America before or since