chapter 5-6 Flashcards
motives for participation
- fun
- learn new skills
- physical fitness and enjoy health
- enjoy challenge
- team atmosphere and gain friends
information processing model
the information processing model contains a stimulus.and a response, but a are number of mental operations occur between the two
memory storage
place to save important information
enables us to use the information to Mae decisions about forthcoming responses
sensory register
sensory information store
short term memory
working memory
combing several separate pieces of information into larger ones
long term memory
relatively permanent
information conveyed bits
transmitted by a particular problem is measured in BITS of information (short term binary digit)
gate out
selective attention
relevant information
attentional focus
athletes ability to attend to appropriate stimuli during competition
attentional narrowing
cue utilization
processing capacity
capacity model
more than ne task isa ended to at one time
individual differences
no two individuals are alike in terms of what amount of attention they need
high levels of arousal may also led to the phenomenon
peripheral scanning
under conditions of heightened arousal karate performers focused eyes on the chests of their opponents
in-attentional blindness
fails to see an ope cutter right in front of her, or the quarterback fails to see an open receiver right in front of him
anticipatory skill
like teaching badminton players to orient their visual attention to predetermined informative cues on the opponents body
perceptual cognitive skills
reduced response tie increased accuracy, improved decision making
quiet eye period
the time elapse between the last eye fixation and the initiation of a motor response
attentional flexibility
refers to the ability of athletes to quickly and effectively shift their attention from one location to another
cognitive interference
was defined as thoughts of escape and task irrelevant thoughts
playing in the zone
refer to extraordinary performance of an athlete
controlled processing
attend to details of execute a skill to be learned
automatic processing
once a sport skill is mastered, it comes under
what is psychological or physiological
ironic effect
when under mental load tend to do the very thing that they are trying not to do
operating process
believed to be intentional, effortful, and under conscious control
monitoring process
believed to be generally unconscious under conditions of mental load
constrained action hypothesis
anxious attempts to control movement interferes with automatic motor control processes
explicit processing hypothesis
focusing internally on the execution of a movement elevates the level of conscious control and demands for working memory
motor schema
for executing a sports skill would be well established