Norwegian Teacher common phrases Flashcards
Det var lit på konten
That was a little edgy, inappropriate
Slang for (sexually) inappropriate (adjective)
Null komma nix
0,0 Quickly, moments. Something done in a very brief time
Det går it et kjør
Chaotic. It is very busy, rushed. Lots of commotion. A rushed day, it went by in a rush. Stressful atmosphere.
Det går i hundre/Åh, det gikk i hundre
It is the highest speed limit, meaning that it is going very fast.
Alle tiders/Det var alle tiders/Det var en alle tiders tur!
(sounds like: all tidesh) It was the “best all of times.” Best time ever. Can also be used of a person.
Hvem har putta en krone på deg?
Who has put a krone on you? Who has put a coin in you? Why are you so full of energy?
Sov som en stein
slept like a stone
Svetter som en greis
Sweated like a pig
Blakk som en kirkerotte
broke as a church “rat”
Dum som et brød
Dumb as a bread (or piece of bread)
Lucky pig
Norwegian sayings
Tatt på fersk gjerning
caught in the act
Tatt på gjerning
shortened version of caught in the act
Det regner i bøtter og spam
Its raining buckets and more buckets. A reference to old houses with leaky roofs. Similar usage to “Its raining cats and dogs.”
Alle gode ting er tre
All good things in three. “Third time is the charm.”
Det gå opp i opp
It will even out. (It goes up and up) A way of saying, I will pay this and you can get the next bill.
Smøre seg med tålmodighet
smear yourself with patience
Snakke om sola
Speak of the sun (like, talk of the devil… slang)
Kjærlighet ved første blikk
Love at first sight
Øvelse gjør mester
Practice makes perfect (literally, practice makes a master)
Bedre sent enn aldri
Better late than never
Borte bra, men hjemme best
Away is good, but home is best
Det er lettere å få tilgivelse enn tillatelse
It is easier to get forgiveness than permission
Når katten er borte, danser musene på bordet
When the cat is away the mice dance on the table
Helt på trynet
Totally ridiculous (totally on the face)
Rett og slett
Plain and simple
Har du sett på marken (or har du sett)
Have you seen anything like this?
å være tøffel (du er en tøffel)
to be a slipper… to be totally under the control of someone else–e.g. a wife, girlfriend…
å tenke koffert
to think suitcase…. to have a dirty mind.
Rett vest
Straight west… when something has gone completely wrong.
Støtt og stadig
often and often… Something is happening often.
Helt bak mål
Completely behind the goal. You missed! You got it completely wrong.