Normal Procedures Flashcards
What is the Captain looking for on the logbook inspection?
- Airworthiness release has been signed
- Daily inspection completed and the a/c will land within 24 hours of the inspection
- A/C will land within 7 days at 2359z of the completion of the T/S
- Check MELs/CDLs are complied with
Min Oil quantity for Engines
16 quarts
What are you checking on the Status page during Capt preflight?
- no RF on Hyd quantity
- .80 on Hyd quantity
- 1400 psi on O2
IF GPS position is not available what are your options?
- manually entered gate info from Jepps lat/long
- Airport Ref
Max O2 drop during mask check?
30 psi
The FO checks the accuracy of the FMC waypoints on the legs page for preflight. What are the tolerances?
- +/- 2nm
- +/- 4 degrees
As FO you get the fuel receipt and find the fuel uplift outside the 3% tolerance. What are your next steps?
- verify the fuel density on the CMC page
- request mx to pull the fuel sticks
- advise the captain
On the walkaround the engine alignment stripe is skewed with the pylon stripe. What is the max misalignment you can accept?
1/2 stripe
Life rafts that have a pressure gauge on the walkaround. What is the minimum pressure?
2700 psi
Security Inspection
What are the limitations for pallets taller than 86 inches?
Netted pallets taller than 86 inches loaded under the upper deck must have twelve additional
straps applied (six straps longitudinally and six straps laterally). Factory freighter aircraft (i.e. nose
cargo door) are exempt from this limitation. Military pallets with wide web netting are exempt.
How many empty pallets can you have stacked?
20 with 6 straps
What are the restrictions on CAO goods?
Cargo Aircraft Only (CAO) Dangerous Goods must be loaded on the Main Deck and must
be accessible to the crew in flight. Some materials are exempt and can be loaded in nonaccessible
locations (ref. GOM).
When are center wing pumps selected ON for before start?
17,000 lbs or more
What would be an indication of an imminent hot start?
duct pressures drop below 25 psi
During engine start, what malfunctions are compensated for by the Autostart system?
- Hot start
- Hung Start
- no EGT rise
The pilot must abort the start for which conditions?
- No oil pressure
- No N1
- Engine fire
PW - What engine parameters must you check before takeoff?
Engine Oil temperature must be above 50 degrees C before takeoff
What are the guidelines for delayed engine start?
- Less than approximately 726,000 lb, start engines 4, 1, and 2.
- Less than approximately 660,000 lb, start engines 4 and 1.
Max taxi speed?
25 kts
Min width of the runway to perform a 180 degree turn?
170 feet with no body gear steering
153 - body gear steering
What are the GE engine warm up recommendations?
GE Engines:
- If the engines were shut down for more than 6 hours, to increase EGT margins for takeoff, GE recommends (not a limitation) a minimum warm-up time of 10 minutes prior to applying takeoff thrust.
- If the engines have been shut down for 6 hours or less, allow engines to warm up a minimum of 4 minutes from last engine start prior to applying takeoff thrust.
What are the PW engine warm up recommendations?
P&W Engines:
There is no specified minimum warm up. However, the Oil Temperature must be at or above 50° C before applying
takeoff thrust.
When must you use a standing takeoff?
contaminated runway
Nose wheel tiller should not be used above what speed?
20 kts