Normal Anatomy Flashcards
Cortical Bone
[compact] dense outer later of bone, appears radiopaque
Cancellous Bone
soft, spongy, between cortical bone. trabeculae (radiopaque) + marrow space (radiolicent)
Incisive Foramen
hole in anterior midline of hard palate. *radiolucent, between max central incisors
Superior Foramina of the Incisive Canal
two tiny openings at floor of nasal cavity. *radiolucent above apices of max central incisors
Median Palatal Suture
joint of palatine processes *radiolucent, thin line between max central incisors
Lateral Fossa
[canine fossa] *radiolucent, between max canine/incisors
Nasal Cavity
[nasal fossa] large, pear-shaped *radiolucent, above max incisors
Nasal Septum
bony partition dividing nasal cavity *radiopaque, superior to apices of max central incisors
Floor of Nasal Cavity
bony wall of palatal process and palatine bones *dense radiopaque band of cortical bone above max incisors
Anterior Nasal Spine
v-shaped, sharp projection of maxilla located at the floor of nasal cavity and nasal septum *radiopaque
Inferior Nasal Conchae
bone extending from lateral walls of nasal cavity *radiopaque, lighter/grayer
Border of the Nose
bow-like shape on central incisor PA
Border of the Lip
ocasional, projected across crowns of max teeth *may falsely simulate carious lesion
Maxillary Sinus
L+R paired cavities above max premolar and molars. *radiolucent
(can contain a septa or radiopaque bony wall)
Nutrient Canals
tiny, tubelike passageways in bone containing blood vessels and nerves *radiolucent band with radiopaque borders (cortical bone walls)
Inverted Y
intersection of max sinus and nasal cavity, above max canine *radiopaque
Nasolabial Fold
soft tissue shadow, associated with buccal fat pad
Maxillary Tuberosity
rounded extension posterior/distal to 3rd molar *radiopaque bulge
hooklike projection from sphenoid bone *radiopaque
Zygomatic Process
A/J/U shaped bony projection of cheekbone above max 1st molar *radiopaque
cheekbone *radiopaque
The Mandible
largest/strongest bone of face. 3 parts: ramus, body, alveolar process
Genial Tubercles
ring shaped bone bumps on lingual mandible below mand incisors *radiopaque
Lingual Foramen
surrounded by genial tubercles *radiolucent
Mental Ridge
thick linear band extending from mand premolar to incisor region *radiopaque / superimposed
Mental Fossa
scooped-out, depressed area above mental ridge *radiolucent
Mental Foramen
opening near mand premolars, misdiagnosed as periapical lesion *radiolucent
Soft Tissue of Lower Lip
margin visible on anterior mand PA
Mandibular Canal
tubelike passageway, houses alveolar nerve, from mandibular to mental foramen *radiolucent band outlined with radiopaque lines of bone/wall
Mylohyoid Ridge
[internal oblique ridge] prominence of internal surface of mandible from mand molars downward *radiopaque band
External Oblique Ridge
prominense on external surface near mand molars *radiopaque
Anterior Border of Ramus
vertical curved border near mand molar *radiopaque
Submandibular Fossa
scooped out, depression on internal surface of mandible molar region *radiolucent
Coronoid Process
triangular prominence on anterior ramus *radiopaque in max tuberosity area
Supporting Tooth Structures
Lamina Dura (radiopaque, surrounds root) Alveolar Crest (radiopaque, between teeth) PDL (radiolucent, between tooth and LD)
Alveolar Bone Shape
Anterior = pointed ; Posterior = flat