NOP Flashcards
What is the basis for not being critical with RCS Tavg less than 541*F?
MTC is within its analyzed temp range
Protective instrumentation is within its normal operating rage
PRZ is capable of being in an operable state w a steam bubble
Rx Vessel is above its minimum RTNDT temperature
What are the rod withdrawal rate limits for > 50% power?
3 steps per hour only when increasing power more than 1% / hr
What are the rod withdrawal rate limits for a conditioned power level > 50%?
Unrestricted up to conditioned power level AND then 3 steps per hour when increasing above conditioned power level
What are the rod withdrawal rate limits for > 75% Power?
Not to exceed6 steps per hour if needed to maintain AFD within +/- 3% of target value
For initial power ascension following refueling, what is the limit for = 50% Power?
No limit beyond UFSAR
FOr initial power ascension following refueling, what is the limit for > 50% power?
3% full power per hour
What is the initial power ascension following refueling for a conditioned power level > 50%?
10% full power per hour up to that conditioned Power level and then 3% full power per hour above conditioned power level
How does using spray minimize boring concentration difference?
Enhances mixing of PRZ and RCS
What could happen if PRZ concentration is different than RCS concentration?
Outsure to the RCS. It may be borate or diluted, causing a RCS Temperature transient
After tripping the Rx, how long will it take for SR to energize?
10-15 mins
During a RCS Cooldown, how is a continuous PRZ outsurge maintained?
Energize all PRZ backup heaters (continuous spray flow)
Maintain Net Charging flow within required limits
Why do you want to maintain a continuous PRZ outsurge during RCS Cooldown?
Minimizes thermal stresses on PRZ surge line
How many RCPs are required to be in operation with Tave > 541*F? Why?
All 4
Ensures protective instrumentation associated with the loops are operable
When is an RCS Sample for iodine required?
Load Reduction of 15% in 1 hour
If U2 is in mode 5 and the East RHR pump is in service, how is letdown flow affected if the RHR pump is lost?
LD flow is reduced due to loss of RHR pump discharge pump
Why is 600 gpm of RHR diverted to the HLs?
To ensure Loop 3 HL remains subcooled uring PRZ Outsurge
What is more limiting, RCS Heat up or Cool down? And Why?
Cool down - due to addition of tensile stresses on the inside vessel wall where allowable stress is the lowest
Why must NLI-151 be used with a correction figure during cool down to determine PRZ Level?
Cold Cal indicator compares the weight of the water in the PRZ vs the weight in the ref column. The cold cal was calibrated at 150*F, so there may be a density difference between the reference and the cold cal
What is the maximum RHR flow rate at reduced inventory? Why?
4,000 gpm to prevent air entrainment / vortex is and loss of RHR Pump
Why is there only 1 RHR pump running at a time during half loop?
To prevent air entrainment
What mode must we be in tor remove power from RHR Suction valves?
Mode 5 to prevent closure. Must have power available in M4 for possible LOCA
How much heat is added from all 4 RCPs?
12-14 MW
What are the TS Limits for heatup of the RCS and PRZ?
RCS - 60*F / hr
PRZ - 100*F / hr
Why is Hydrogen used to cool the main generator?
High thermal conductivity
Low windage losses
Non conductive
Non corrosive
Criticality occurs in approximately how many doublings?
5 to 7
When is criticality declared?
Rx is actually super-critical, indicated by:
Constant + SUR
Rising Neutron counts rate without rod motion
What is the SUR admin limit during startup when < / = 10E-8 amps?
0.5 DPM
What is the SUR admin limit during startup when > 10E-8 amps?
0.25 DPM
What is the rod withdrawal limit above POAH?
3 steps at a time until associated reactivity effects are complete
What happens if you add positive reactivity when critical but below POAH?
Power rises until POHA or sufficient negative reactivity is added to stop the power rise
What must be done if criticality occurs below the rod insertion limit?
Emergency borate until SDM > 1.3% is achieved
Open Trip Breakers and Verify Rod bottom lights lit
What happens if criticality occurs outside the -1000 and +500 pcm limits?
Trip Rx
Does the Control Air Compressor Load Shed?
NO!!!!!! But the PAC does.