AOP Flashcards
What are the immediate actions for LD Temp / Pressure Failure?
Take controller to manual
If doesn’t work, Isolate Letdown and Minimize Charging
What are the immediate actions for unexpected operation of steam dumps?
Take controller to manual and close
If open due to control failure, place selector switch in OFF
What are the immediate actions for FW Htr Level Control?
Place control in manual
What are the immediate actions for a LO Temperature controller failure?
Place affected controller in hand and stabilize
If AOV doesn’t maintain, use MOV
What happens if the PRZ reference leg develops a leak on the controlling channel?
That channels level will rise, causing actual level to go down due to QRV-251 closing
When temperature drops rapidly during a secondary transient, what don’t you do?
Use rods to restore. The lowering temp and the rod withdrawal both add positive reactivity.
Does MPC-254 affect rod control?
What are the effects if a Tcold instrument fails high?
OPDT and OTDT lower
DT is smaller
Tavg is larger
What will happen if a controlling FF instrument fails low til no operator action?
Turbine / Rx trip on High High SG Level and FWI
For a load rejection, are LONG TERM effects worse at BOL or EOL? And Why?
EOL bc of Xenon Oscillations
For a load rejection, are SHORT TERM effects worse at BOL or EOL? And Why?
BOL bc not as much temperature feedback.
What are the immediate actions for loss of CCW?
- Check Unit Status - M1 or M2
- Trip Rx and verify tripped
- Trip RCPs
What do you do on a loss of CCW with both charging pumps running?
Run 1 to failures, place the other in PTL
What do you do on a loss of CCW with only 1 CCP available?
What do you do with the CCPs in Modes 5 or 6 if CCW is lost?
Stop both CCPs and place PTL
Why would you not cross-tie CCW if the failure is due to a hydraulic condition?
Could cause air binding in the pump
What is the most probable source of CCW out leakage?
RCP Seal Return Hx
What is the assumed LD flow for the XS Letdown Hx?
20 gpm
What is the first thing you do if you have a suspected RCS Leak?
Place XS LD I/S and isolate normal letdown
When do you trip the reactor and enter E-0 during an RCS Leak?
When the leak exceeds the capacity of 2 CCPs
If containment pressure approaches 1 psig
VCT Level cannot be maintained
What is the E-Plan limit for RCS Leakage?
10 gpm
How do you identify a leaking in core detector thimble tube?
Measure thimble tube temps 6” above tube Isolation valves
For a SG Tube leak, what is the leakage for a Rx Trip?
> 50 gpm
For a SG Tube lark, what is the leakage for a Rx Trip and SI?
> 100 gpm
In the Control Air Malfunction AOP, there is a caution about an inadvertent SI. What could this be caused by?
Uneven cooling of the SGs causing steamline dP SI
During a spurious phase A, why would the PRT parameters change?
Seal return isolates
What is expected to happen when you reset phase A?
CUVs start
What happens to rods if MPC-253 fails high?
Rods step out
What happens if MPC-253 fails low?
Rods step in
What happens if Tave Fails high?
Rods step in
What happens if PR Fails High?
Rods step in , but C2 prevents rods from stepping back out due to temp error
What happens if PR fails low or Tave fails low?
NO Rod motion
If 1 control rod falls into the core, what is affected?
Radial Power distribution.
If there is a dropped rod indicated, how should power reduction be made? And why?
Boration only to prevent exaggerating any existing flux tilts
What must you do if you have a dropped or misaligned rod?
SDM within 1 hour
While in Malfunction of a RCP, what is total # 1 seal flow?
Sum of #1 and #2 (RCDT In-Leakage)
Which CRID loss is the most survivable?
If Train A 250 VD is loss, does the Generator Trip ??
NO! Train A supplies 33 VED, so it doesn’t energize
Will a single ground on the generator field cause any harm?
No. However, a second ground could cause excessive field current and cause extensive damage
Why do we want to keep the generator connected to the grid until the turbine stop valves are closed?
So we don’t Overspeed the turbine
With a loss of CCW, the unaffected Unit will be needed to cross tie a system. Which system and why?
CVCS to maintain seal injection flow to the RCPs
If a PRZ Level channel fails high, what does QRV-251 do assuming no operator action?
Throttles to LESS than minimum charging, supply approximately 19 gpm seal injection flow
The Reactor should be trippped immediately if frequency falls below….
58.2 Hz
If in M3 and there is a Loss of NESW, what is the required action and impact?
Stop ALL but 1 RCP and perform a pressure relief, containment chillers have lost cooling water
What is the RCP Trip Criteria per the RCP Malfunction FOP?
- Complete Loss of RCP Seal Cooling
- # 1 Seal Leakoff Temp > 200*F
- # 1 Seal Leakoff Temp > 185*F AND Loss of Seal Injection
- RCP Lower Bearing Water Temp > 225*F
- RCP Upper Motor Bearing Temp > 200*F
- RCP Vibes > 20 mils
- # 1 Seal Leakoff > 6 gpm
- # 1 Seal Leakoff < 1 gpm AND Temp rising on lower bearing water OR #1 Seal Leak Off
What is the RCP Malfunction criteria requiring a plant shutdown and stopping RCPs in < 8 hrs
1 Seal Leakoff > 5.4 gpm
RCP Motor temp > 145*F
Seal Leakoff flow different than expected range and can’t be restored or # 2 seal high standpipe level
While at midloop, what must be done if RHR pump shows fluctuating amps and flow?
Boh RHR pumps are placed in PTL if indications of cavitation are experienced. Starting the other RHR pump could cause air entrainment in the other pump and a complete loss of RHR could occur
For a leaky PORV, what are the big pic procedure steps to identify which one?
Close ALL PORV block valves to lower tailpipe temp
Open 1 PORV block valve at a time
Leakage is determined by a rise in tailpipe temp as each is opened