nonprotein nitrogenous compounds Flashcards
ciulla based
What is the compound that comprises the
majority of the nonprotein-nitrogen
fractions in serum?
A. Uric acid
B. Creatinine
C. Ammonia
D. Urea
Express 30 mg/dL of urea nitrogen as urea.
A. 14 mg/dL
B. 20 mg/dL
C. 50 mg/dL
D. 64 mg/dL
In the urea method, the enzymatic action
of urease is inhibited when blood for
analysis is drawn in a tube containing
what anticoagulant?
A. Sodium heparin
B. Sodium fluoride
C. Sodium oxalate
D. Ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid
In the diacetyl method, what does diacetyl
react with to form a yellow product?
A. Ammonia
B. Urea
C. Uric acid
D. Nitrogen
What endogenous substance may cause a
positive interference in the urease/glutamate dehydrogenase assay?
A. Ammonia
B. Creatinine
C. Glucose
D. Cholesterol
Which of the following methods utilizes
urease and glutamate dehydrogenase for
the quantification of serum urea?
A. Berthelot
B. Coupled enzymatic
C. Conductimetric
D. Indicator dye
In the Berthelot reaction, what contaminant will cause the urea level to be falsely
A. Sodium fluoride
B. Protein
C. Ammonia
D. Bacteria
To maintain acid-base balance, it is
necessary that the blood ammonia level
be kept within narrow limits. This is
accomplished primarily by which of the
A. Synthesis of urea from ammonia
B. Synthesis of glutamine from ammonia
C. Excretion of ammonia in the bile
D. Excretion of ammonia in the stools
When a blood ammonia determination is
performed, the blood specimen must be
treated in a manner that will ensure that
A. The deamination process continues
in vitro
B. Glutamine formation in vitro is
C. The transamination process continues
in vitro
D. Ammonia formation in vitro is avoided
. Which of the following does not need to
be done when collecting, handling, and
using a specimen for ammonia analysis?
A. Avoid using a hemolyzed specimen.
B. Collect blood in EDTA or heparin
evacuated tubes.
C. Place specimen in a 37°C water bath
D. Advise patient not to smoke for
8 hours before blood collection.
Which of the following statements can be
associated with the enzymatic assay of
A. Increase in absorbance monitored at
340 nm
B. Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide
(NAD+) required as a cofactor
C. Ammonium ion isolated from
specimen before the enzymatic step
D. Reaction catalyzed by glutamate
Which of the following disorders is not
associated with an elevated blood
ammonia level?
A. Reye syndrome
B. Renal failure
C. Chronic liver failure
D. Diabetes mellitus
An increased serum level of which of the
following analytes is most commonly
associated with decreased glomerular
A. Creatinine
B. Uric acid
C. Urea
D. Ammonia
A serum creatinine was found to be
6.0 mg/dL. Which of the following urea
nitrogen serum results would support the
same pathological condition?
A. 6 mg/dL
B. 20 mg/dL
C. 35 mg/dL
D. 70 mg/dL
From what precursor is creatinine formed?
A. Urea
B. Glucose
C. Creatine
D. Uric acid
What analyte is measured using the Jaffe
A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Ammonia
D. Creatinine
When the Jaffe reaction is employed as a
kinetic assay to quantify serum creatinine,
which of the following is used in the
A. Serum sample used directly
B. Folin-Wu filtrate
C. Somogyi-Nelson filtrate
D. Trichloroacetic acid filtrate
The creatinine clearance test is routinely
used to assess the glomerular filtration
rate. Given the following information
for an average-size adult, calculate a
creatinine clearance.
Urine creatinine—120 mg/dL
Plasma creatinine—1.2 mg/dL
Urine volume for 24 hours—1520 mL
A. 11 mL/min
B. 63 mL/min
C. 95 mL/min
D. 106 mL/min
What compound normally found in urine
may be used to assess the completeness of
a 24-hour urine collection?
A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Creatine
D. Creatinine
When it is not possible to perform a
creatinine assay on a fresh urine specimen,
to what pH level should the urine be
A. 3.0
B. 5.0
C. 7.0
D. 9.0
Which of the following reagents is not
utilized in a coupled enzymatic reaction
method to quantify serum creatinine?
A. Picric acid
B. Chromogenic dye
C. Creatinine amidohydrolase
D. Sarcosine oxidase
An endogenous substance assayed to
assess the glomerular filtration rate may
be described as being filtered by the
glomeruli, not reabsorbed by the tubules,
and only secreted by the tubules when
plasma levels become elevated. What is
this frequently assayed substance?
A. Inulin
B. Uric acid
C. Creatinine
D. Urea
What is the end product of purine
catabolism in humans?
A. Urea
B. Uric acid
C. Allantoin
D. Ammonia
When mixed with phosphotungstic acid,
what compound causes the reduction of
the former to a tungsten blue complex?
A. Urea
B. Ammonia
C. Creatinine
D. Uric acid