Non-Surgical Strabismus Management Flashcards
What prism do you use to correct Eso?
Base Out
What prism do you use to correct Exo?
Base In
What prism do you use to correct Hyper deviations?
Base Down
What prism do you use to correct Hypo deviations?
Base Up
What prism stimulates convergence?
Base Out
What prism stimulates divergence?
Base In
What is Hering’s Law?
When the contralateral eye moves in in response to the ipsilateral eye having a Base In prism and then moves out again to regain fusion (fusional divergence)
What options are there for non-surgical management of strabismus?
1) Orthoptic exercises
2) Modifying refractive correction
3) Prisms
4) Botulinum Toxin (botox)
What is the aim of non-surgical management of strabismus?
Achieve good, well maintained BSV at all distance & is useful when there’s a delay in surgery or for those who refuse or are unfit for surgery
Why would you use orthoptic exercises?
As a non-surgical management of strabismus.
1) Eliminate suppression
2) Control a deviation
3) Extension of fusional amplitude
4) Improve relative (functional) convergence
5) Improve near point of convergence
What do you need to be aware of in orthoptic exercises?
Compliance is essential and regular breaks are needed
That people should wear refractive correction and must have BSV
For BSV check that physiological diplopia is appreciated if pathological diplopia isn’t
What are Prism Bar Exercises?
A form of orthoptic exercise for non-surgical management of strabismus. The aim is to improve fusional amplitudes & is a makeshift bar of Fresnel Prisms. At each visit prism fusion range is completed with an increase in Fresnel strength gradually.
What are Bar Reading Exercises?
A form of orthoptic exercise for non-surgical management of strabismus. The aim is to improve controlled binocular acuity (CBA) which is the maximum visual acuity obtainable while maintaining BSV irrespective of uniocular VA. It involves manipulating accommodative and vergence systems. It’s used to improve near CBA in accommodative eso
What is CBA (controlled binocular acuity)?
The maximum visual acuity obtainable while maintaining BSV irrespective of uniocular visual acuity (previously CBA was known as BVA)
What are the two outcomes of the bar reading exercises?
The bar is raised so either eye is able to read what’s below the bar. The patient will see either of 2 thing:
1) Fusion
Physiological diplopia occurs: 2 of the red bar then fusion occurs where the text is single and the patient can “see through” the bar
2) Suppression
Suppression occurs: red bar blocks the text
What is the method of the bar reading exercises?
If BSV they can see the print behind. You can then reduce the print size until they’re unable to read it (like in manifest strabismus, diplopia or suppression)
The print may become blurred if unable to accommodate appropriately whilst controlling deviation
How do you do Controlled Binocular Acuity (CBA) as an orthoptic exercise?
1) Participant reads down a letter chart at the required distance
2) The examiner observes ocular alignment
3) The end-point is:
The patient becomes manifest or the patient has reached their maximum level of visual acuity whilst maintaining control
What are the outcomes expected of CBA exercises?
For some, clarity is important and so will become manifest earlier and so the CBA exceeds acuity of the weaker eye
Others sacrifice clear vision to gain BSV so the end point is less than uniocular VA when the patient asked to try to make the chart clear again, the deviation may become apparent
It’s the balance between accommodation and convergence. The max VA obtainable whilst maintaining binocular single vision
How can orthoptic exercises help achieve accommodation and convergence?
In Eso accommodation may be relatively less than ‘normal’ to maintain BSV
In Exo accommodation may be in excess of ‘normal’ (resulting in pseudo myopia) when the deviation is controlled
What is negative relative convergence?
Convergence is relaxed in relation to accommodation exerted and is used to control eso deviations
What is positive relative convergence?
Convergence is exerted in excess of accommodation and is used to control an exo deviation
How can we improve negative relative convergence with stereograms?
Improved by fixing at a target at distance. The stereogram is held at 33cm whilst fixating in the distance resulting in crossed diplopia of 4 cats. The distance is then adjusted until the 3 cats are clearly seen by relaxing convergence to look through the card. This improves Eso deviations by accommodating more than converging
How can we improve positive relative convergence with stereograms?
Improved by fixing at a target at near. The stereogram is held at 33cm whilst fixating on a pen that’s held between the eyes and the card. Causes uncrossed diplopia of 4 cats and distance is adjusted until 3 cats are clearly seen. This near position improves positive relative convergence and thus exo deviations as having to converge more than accommodate.
What lens, prism and relative convergence do you use for Eso deviations?
Convex (+ve), Base Out, Negative
What lens, prism and relative convergence do you use for Exo deviations?
Concave (-ve), Base In, Positive
How do we use refractive correction as a non-surgical management of strabismus?
Essential to have prescription early in treatment; can modify prescription in similar way like when giving additional lenses. We always work off a baseline prescription but don’t compromise vision
(+ve in eso and -ve in exo)
Give minimum strength to achieve deviation control (tested through CT and CBA) and check the impact on VA with the aim to reduce additional lenses but it isn’t always possible to do
What prescription would you give an emmetropic child with an intermittent distance XT?
Concave (minus)
e.g. -1.0 or -1.5
What prescription would you give an emmetropic child with an ET at near?
Bifocals - Convex (+ve)
At near only with nothing for distance
What prescription would you give a child with ET for near and distance with a -4.0 prescription?
A slightly reduced minus lens that doesn’t impact vision
e.g. -3.5 or -3.0
How do Fresnel Prisms work?
Can be put on glasses or Plano glasses but they can cause blur, glare, distortion and <VA.
Give minimum strength for comfortable near BSV generally over eye with worst vision and can incorporate into glasses when at least 40 months stable
What’s the largest Fresnel prism strength you can give?
40PD but the larger the prism, the higher the distortion & blur
But >20PD cannot be incorporated into glasses due to moving the optical centre of the lens and the heaviness but can continue to use some incorporation and combine with Fresnel prisms