Non-Surgical Management in ET Flashcards
What are the 4 general steps for treating ET’s?
1) Correct refractive error
2) Treat amblyopia & visual acuities
3) Further non-surgical management (like orthoptic exercises, observation and BT)
4) Surgical Management (for correcting ocular alignment or restoring BSV)
In Bonadede et al (2020), children with accommodative ET with <4D experienced what change in their ET?
Increased between the ages of 0-7yo with a decrease from 7-15yo
In Bonadede et al (2020), children with accommodative ET with equal to or >4D experienced what change in their ET?
Stable between 0-7yo but with a decrease from 7-15yo
What did Bonadede et al (2020) find about accommodative ET?
> 4PD = Increased
<4D = Stable
Both decreased between 7yo and 15yo
No difference between children with fully accom or partially accom ET
When correcting refractive error in ET what do we need to consider?
Cycloplegic refraction and the prescription of full hypermetropic prescription that is to be worn full-time.
The adaptation period should be allowed for which is 16-18wks especially in equal to or > +5.00DS
Warn parents that deviation may increase when child tries to achieve clarity without glasses (to match the level they have with them on) so exert excessive accommodation and AC
Refractions should be repeated yearly or if there is decompensation of the ET
What are we aiming to achieve by giving refractive correction in ET?
To create a clear retinal image and maintain the correct balance between accommodation & convergence
Why should be be cautious of under correction of hypermetropia?
There was once evidence that hypermetropia may promote emmetropisation but risks may outweigh the benefits
When should be prescribe Rx in ET hypermetropia in early onset ET?
Correct hypermetropia equal to or > +2.25DS we would prescribe Rx to correct to see if the eyes realign
What did Hussein et al (2015) find about adherence in glasses for accommodative ET?
Poor adherence with Rx causes poorer BSV long-term outcomes
How will the aims of management for patients with fully accommodative ET vary between patients?
Varies depending on the degree of hypermetropia present
For patients with low degrees of hypermetropia (equal to or <3.00DS with 1DC or less) what is the aim of correcting Rx?
To achieve well controlled, symptom free BSV without glasses so to gradually reduce prescription to possibly discard permanently. We would reduce the prescription in 0.50DS steps whilst ensuring good binocular control at Nr and Dist and that VA is 0.2 logMAR or better.
However, the majority prefer glasses for close work due to comfort.
For patients with high degrees of hypermetropia (>3.00DS) what is the aim of correcting Rx?
As glasses are required for visual purposes they may be unable to discard completely. Can help teach control of deviation for social/specific occasions if patient is keen to do this through the “misty & clear” approach but encouraging contact lens wearing may be more appropriate.
When would we prescribe bifocals in ET?
For convergence-excess ET or in patients with moderate-high AC/A ratios
What are bifocals for?
Use minimum plus required to render patient binocular for near viewing with max CBA
Executive bifocals (straight line across middle of lens) that bisect the pupil required, to encourage use
How should bifocals be used in ETs with high AC/A ratios?
Strength of bifocal segment should be gradually reduced over time until it’s not needed by reducing in 0.50DS steps with PCT measurements with Halberg Clips being used to assess control
May be used in conjunction with bar reading
When would contact lenses be appropriate in the management of ETs?
- When able to demonstrate BSV with glasses for Nr and Dist in fully accommodative ET
- Small astigmatic error
- High standard of hygiene
- Good co-operation
- Motivation from the child and parents will be elicited
Contact lenses avoid peripheral blur in contacts
How might Miotics be used in ET?
For convergence excess esotropia where there’s a lot of accommodative element
What are the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses in ET treatment?
- More discrete than glasses
- Removes peripheral blur
- Can play sports easier
- Improved BVA & ocular alignment
- Must be older and with good hand hygiene
- More handling
- Infection risk higher
- Must be motivated to wear
How do Miotics work in ET treatment?
Can cause spasm of the ciliary body resulting in increased thickness of the lens which removes the need for accommodative effort and thus removes Accomm convergence (for convergence excess ET).
However, rarely used. Often used in conjunction with orthoptic exercises &/or bifocals
What is the Miotic used in convergence-excess ET treatment?
Pilocarpine (4%)
If there’s an uncooperative patient in ET not wearing glasses, what alternative can we offer?
LASIK appears to be effective and relatively safe to treat accommodative esotropic children by reducing their hyperopic refractive error, however, patient selection is critical. Larger studies with longer follow-up are necessary to determine its long-term effects (Seed & Abdrabbo, 2011)
If someone with an ET has amblyopia, how do we treat this?
After the review 16-18wk period for Rx we would do part-time total occlusion (PTTO) through atropine penalisation or optical penalisation. If amblyopia is present it is usually mild and part-time total occlusion should be performed in order to prevent any decompensation of the deviation.
Once max. VA has been achieved in an amblyopic patient with an ET what do we do?
Once the optimum level of VA has been obtained, further treatment may not be needed, and management is confined to regular orthoptic review to reassess binocular control, yearly refractions, and continued FT-wear of glasses.
In what type of ET is amblyopia more likely to occur?
More prevalent in constant strabismus and earlier-onset due to plasticity of the visual system
Less likely in fully accommodative esotropia
Strongly suspect associated microtropia
Intermittent strabismus and BSV minimises risk of amblyopia, hence the importance of restoring ocular alignment
Why would orthoptic exercises be used in ET management?
- To eliminate suppression when deviation is manifest
- For fusion of diplopia and control of the deviation with glasses
- To improve CBA and negative relative convergence with glasses
Who is suitable for orthoptic exercises in ET?
- Old enough and able to understand and co-operate
- Motivated and able to attend regularly
- Hypermetropia equal to or < +3.00DS
- Angle of deviation <25PD BO without glasses (usually clinically would only go up to 18PD)
- Some control evident for Nr & Dist
- AC/A ratio not too hight so <10:1
What is anti-suppression treatment?
This is necessary in order for the patient to appreciate pathological diplopia when they become manifest without their glasses.
Coloured filters: example wear Red-Green goggles and get the child to fixate a light for near and dist, until can see both the red & green light. (reduce filters on sbisa bar until appreciate diplopia without)
This may be combined with a septum to dissociate the eyes.
The use of a vertical prism may be required in order to illustrate diplopia to the patient.
Example use a 10 dioptre prism to move them out of their suppression scotoma and the strength of this prism is gradually reduced until diplopia is maintained without the prism.
What’s the purpose of fusion of diplopia as an orthoptic exercise in ET treatment?
For spontaneous control of deviation without glasses
- Find point of intersection & image fused
Gradually withdraw target encouraging patient to maintain fusion but image would be blurred - Prisms
Reduce strength until control without - Slow removal of glasses
Encourage to maintain a single blurred image
Why would we improve CBA in ET treatment?
To improve control of deviation
How can we improve CBA to control a deviation in ET treatment?
The near BVA may be improved by the use of bar reading as an exercise without glasses. The largest print is used initially, which is gradually reduced in size. The use of additional minus lenses may improve control.
The distance BVA may be improved by the use of minus lenses in the same way as described above. These exercises may be given as a homework exercise, i.e, the use of lenses and the bar for reading, and the use of minus lenses whilst watching T.V. If prescribing as homework exercises these must be performed under close parental supervision, with the parent holding the child’s head in order to prevent cheating
How can improving negative relative convergence be useful in ET treatment?
Further improvement in negative relative convergence by the use of crossed physiological diplopia may be achieved by the use of stereograms (the distance position to improve negative relative convergence) and the diploscope. Both may be given as homework exercises.
As a patient’s negative relative convergence and BVA improves, glasses may be left off for increasing periods of time until they are worn only for closework, or discarded if that is the management aim. Initially the glasses should be left off under careful parental supervision in order to ensure control of the deviation.
As treatment aims to dissociate accommodation and convergence, these should be regularly assessed throughout treatment.
Use BI-range exercises and distance stereograms with extended periods of no glasses wear
What exercises can be used to improve fusional amplitudes?
Bar reading
What exercises can be used to improve negative relative vergences and improve near CBA?
Distance stereograms (may be combined with +ve lenses and miotic drugs)
How should we prescribe orthoptic exercises as homework?
Full explanation of aims & methods
Stress importance of close supervision throughout
Exercises should be performed regularly 2-3x daily but 5x preferable
Regular follow-up appointments are necessary and important to check exercises are being carried out correctly
What is the aim of the “misty & clear” approach?
- Higher Degrees of Hypermetropia
- Achieve control of deviation for special occasions only (without glasses). Glasses will be required for acuity generally however
What happens to the eyes during the “misty & clear” exercise?
The patient is instructed that if they enable objects to appear “misty” without their glasses, their eyes are straight (because they are relaxing their accommodation). If the patient tries to see objects clearly their eyes will be squinting (as they are accommodating excessively in order to see clearly and are therefore converging). This method may also be prescribed as a homework exercise.
When should we just observe a patients progress?
When they have a small deviation not causing psychosocial issues but would treat amblyopia and observe until outside critical period where no longer a risk of amblyopia
Patients with ARC should also just be observed for any decompensation
How should we treat small angle ET with abnormal correspondence?
Treat amblyopia where atropine may be preferable
No further treatment and AC may become well established with gross BSV and some stereopsis
When is Botox (BT) used in ET treatment?
Patients with high risk of post-operative diplopia or those unsuitable for surgery (example due to poor GH), BT-injection can be used as an alternative to temporarily correct the deviation.
MR BT = look laterally, then medially, then BT injected = so need a very cooperative patient to achieve this
It’s used when unsuitable for surgery like poor GH
It can be controversial in young children as requiring repeat injections
In acute acquired comitant ET in childhood what is intracranial disease associated with (Buch & Vinding, 2015)?
Intracranial disease was significantly associated with older age development of the ET (7.5years versus 3.8years)
When is neuroimaging recommended in patients with ET?
In acute acquired comitant esotropia in childhood when presenting neurological signs, <+3.00DS hypermetropia or recurrent ET
What is the aim of constant ET with and without accommodative element?
The aims of management varies dependent upon whether there is potential for BSV or the correction of the deviation is purely cosmetic. However, in all patients the initial aims are to obtain optimum and equal level of VA by correcting any refractive error and treat any amblyopia.
1) Obtain optimum or equal VA
2) Ensure wearing refractive correction
3) Restore BSV if possible e.g. prisms in late-onset, surgery, BT
4) Maintain abnormal correspondence if present e.g. microtropia
5) Improve ocular alignment if no potential for BSV
What is the treatment plan for a fully accommodative ET?
The aims of management for patients with fully accommodative esotropia will vary depending upon the degree of hypermetropia present:
1) Correction of refractive error
2) Treatment of any amblyopia
3) Ensure good control with glasses
4) Orthoptic exercises if required?
5) Weaning out of hypermetropic prescription?
What is the treatment plan in Convergence Excess ET?
1) Correction of refractive error
2) Treatment of any amblyopia
3) Obtain and maintain BSV for near and distance with optimum CBA
- Bifocal therapy + weaning out
- Orthoptic exercises to improve negative fusional reserves
- Surgery
Age of patient and ability to cooperate, size of deviation, size of AC/A ratio