Non-Surgical Management of Periodontal Disease Flashcards
Describe the 2 key components of non-surgical periodontal treatment
- Removal and control of plaque bacteria and their products
2. Removal of plaque retentive factors
What are 3 components of plaque control?
- Oral hygeine instruction
- Education
- Motivation
What can be an aid to demonstrate plaque on teeth for the patient?
Disclosing agent
Name and describe the widely accepted method for toothbrushing
- Bass technique
- Brush in small circles at a 45 degree angle to tooth surface
Describe a chemical plaque control agent
Chlorhexidine mouthwash (0.2% chlorhexidine gluconate)
Describe how chlorhexidine mouthwash works in reducing plaque in the mouth
- Bacteriasidal properties disrupts bacterial cell membranes
- Increased retention in the mouth provides lasting coverage
How does plaque become calculus?
Plaque becomes calculus when it is calcified
How is sub-gingival calculus detected?
It can be detected with a probe or seen on a radiograph
What probe tends to be used in the detection of sub-gingival calculus?
WHO probe is used as there is resistance from the ball on the end so calculus can be easily detected
Describe 4 ways root surface debridement (RSD) can be carried out
- Ultrasonic scalers (mechanical)
- Sonic scalers (mechanical)
- Site specific curettes (hand instrumentation)
- Hoes (hand instrumentation)
What are 4 principles of ultrasonic instrumentation?
- Mechanical energy
- Irrigation
- Cavitation
- Acoustic microstreaming
How is mechanical energy used in ultrasonic scaling?
Electrical energy converted to high frequency sound waves which removes calculus from the tooth surface
Describe the advantage of irrigation (Not cooling instrument)
Flushes debris out of periodontal pocket
Describe cavitation as a principle of mechanical RSD
- Bubbles in water collapse inward, releasing energy and enhancing biofilm removal
- Air bubbles increase oxygen which can kill anaerobic bacteria
Discuss 2 types of ultrasonic scalers
- Piezo-electric
Vibrations caused by oscillation of quartz crystals
Linear movements of tip - Magnetostrictive
Magnetic energy converted to mechanical energy to create vibrations
Eliptical movements of tip
Why may magnetostrictive inserts be contraindicated for RSD?
They may interfere with cardiac pacemakers
What are 4 advantages of ultrasonic scalers?
- Irrigation which clears field of debris and blood
- Allow removal of gross deposits quickly
- Less tiring for operator
- Use to remove overhanging margins on amalgam restorations
What are 5 disadvantages of ultrasonic scaling?
- Generate significant heat
- Generate contaminated aerosols
- Water and aerosol can obscure vision
- Can damage tooth or restoration
- Can cause significant sensitivity during and after procedure
What are 4 advantages of hand scaling?
- Hand instrument allows the operator tactile sensitivity
- No aerosol is generated
- Can provide better access esp. deeper sites
- Less sensitivity and discomfort
What are 3 disadvantages of hand scaling?
- Cause more operator fatigue
- More time consuming
- More difficult to use effectively
Describe the 5 A’s of smoking cessation
Ask - What do they smoke / How often Assess - Willingness to quit Advise - Harmful effects of smoking Assist - Create plan best for patient Arrange - Arrange follow up
Name 4 components of successful non-surgical periodontal treatment
- High standard of plaque control
- Smoking cessation
- Good quality root surface debridement
- Good quality restorative treatment