Non-parametric black-box identification of I/O models Flashcards
Possible representations of a discrete-time, linear, dynamical system
- state space representation
- transfer function
- impulse response
transformation from state-space to transfer function
state space: F,G,H
tf: W(z) = H * (zI - F)^-1 *G
transformation from transfer function to state-space
- infinite realizations of a tf into a ss model
- control realization:
W(z) = (b0z^n-1 + b1z^n-2 + … + bn-1) / (z^n + a1*z^n-1 + … + an)
F = [0 1 0 … 0
0 0 1 … 0
-an -an-1 … -a1]
G = [0 0 0 … 1]’
H = [bn-1 bn-2 … b0]
D = 0
transformation from t.f. to impulse response
- long division (tf in negative powers)
or - geometric series
transformation from i.r. to t.f.
Z transform
not applicable in practice because an infinite number of samples of the i.r. should be used
transformation from s.s. to i.r.
ω(t) = 0 if t=0 (and D=0)
H F^t-1 G if t > 0
definition of full observability
A system F,G,H is fully observable if its observability matrix O = [H HF HF^2 … HF^n-1] is full rank
definition of reachability
A system F,G,H is fully reachable if its reachability matrix
R = [G FG F^2G … F^n-1G]
is full rank
definition of Hankel matrix of order n
Given an impulse response
{ω(0), ω(1), …, ω(N)}
Hn = [ω(1) ω(2) ω(3) … ω(n) ω(2) ω(3) ω(4) … ω(n+1) ω(3) ω(4) ω(5) … ω(n+2) … ω(n) ω(n+1) … ω(2n-1)] = = O * R
factorization of the Hankel matrix
Hn = O * R
Henkel matrix of order n can be factorized into the product of the observability and reachability matrices of the system
algorithm to estimate F,G,H from a noise-free impulse response
Step 1.
- build the Hankel matrix in increasing the order
- each time check its order
- if Hn and Hn+1 have the same rank, stop
- n is the estimated order of the system
step 2.
- factorize Hn+1 into two rectangular matrices: Hn+1 = On+1 * Rn+1,
where On+1 and Rn+1 are the extended observability and reachability matrices
step 3: H^ = On+1(1;:) first row of On+1 G^ = Rn+1(:;1) first column of Rn+1 O1 = On+1(1:n;:) O2 = On+1(2:n+1;:) F^ = O1^-1 * O2
observations on the method for noise-free estimation
- simple constructive method
- it uses only 2n-1 samples
- it is not parametric
- it is useless, because when noise is present, step 1 never stops, and even if n is known, the results are wrong
4 SID procedure using noisy measurement of the i.r.
step 1: build the Hankel matrix using all the dataset
H~qd = [ω(1) ω(2) ω(3) … ω(d)
ω(2) ω(3) ω(4) … ω(d+1)
ω(3) ω(4) ω(5) … ω(d+2)
ω(q) ω(q+1) … ω(q+d-1)]
step 2: Singular Value Decomposition of H~qd:
H~qd = U~ S~ V~’
U~ (qq) and V~ (dd) are unitary matrices;
S~ (q*d) is a rectangular matrix with the singular values of H~qd in the diagonal, stored in decreasing order
σ1 > = σ2 > = σ3 > = … > = σq
step 3: definition of the order n of the system and of the matrices U^ S^ V^’
- from the plot of the singular values:
- in an ideal case there is a clear jump after n values: the last index before the jump is the estimated order of the system
- in a real case, there is not a clear jump but a knee; the value of n should be selected inside that range
- once the value of n has been decided,
U^: first n columns of U~
S^: n x n square diagonal matrix extracted from the left high corner of S~ (it contains the first n singular values)
V^’ = first n rows of V~’
- > H~qd = H^qd + Hresqd
where H^qd = U^ S^ V^’ is a q x d matrix with rank n (reduced from d)
Hresqd has rank q
step 4: estimation of H^, G^, F^
- H^qd = U^ S^ V^’ = U^ S^ ^1/2 S^ ^1/2 V^’
- Definition of the extended observability and reachability matrices
O^ = U^ S^ ^1/2
R^ = S^ ^1/2 V^’
- H^ = O^(1;:) first row of O^ G^ = R^(:;1) first column of R^ F^ estimated using the shift invariance property: O^1 = O^(1:q-1 ; :) O^2 = O^(2:q ; :) O^1 F = O^2 since O^1 is not squared, the linear system is over-determined - > least squares solution: F^ = (O^1' O^1)^-1 O^1' O^2
On the choice of q and d
q < d
d+d-1 = N to use the entire data-set
- q ~ d : best accuracy of the method, high computational effort
- q < < d : lowest computational effort
- if q > 1/2 d the sensitivity of the choice is small
- > q = 1/2 d as a rule of thumb
def unitary matrix
a square matrix M is unitary if
det(M) = 1
M^-1 = M^T