Frequency domain parametric system identification Flashcards
steps of the identification procedure
Classical steps of parametric techniques:
1) experiment design and data preprocessing
2) selection of a parametric model class
3) definition of a performance index
4) optimization, to find the optimal parameters
general idea of the method
- make a set of single-sinusoid excitation experiments
- from each experiment estimate a single point of the frequency response function of the system
- using the estimated points, find a parametric transfer function that fits the estimated points
Experiment design
H independent experiments set of frequencies {ω1, ω2, …, ωH} Input of the i-th experiment ui(t) = Ai*sin(ωi*t) Output of the i-th experiment yi(t)
On the amplitude of the sinuisoids
Amplitudes Ai usually decrease with increasing frequency, to have constant power required
Output of the i-th experiment
yi(t) in real application is not a perfect sinusoid, because of
- noise on measurement
- noise on the system
- small non-linear effects
Assuming the system to be linear time invariant, it’s possible to extract the real sinusoid at frequency ωi by a parametric identification
y^i(t) = Bisin(ωit+φi) or
y^i(t) = aisin(ωit) + bicos(ωit)
output of the H experiments
The data set:
H points of the frequency response from the input u(t) to the output y(t)
{B1^/Ai * e^jφ1^,…,BH^/AH * e^jφH^}
Model class selection
m(θ) : W(z; θ) = (b0+b1z^-1+…+bpz^-p)/(1+a1z^-1+…+amz^-m) * z^-1
θ = [a1, a2, … , am, b0, b1, …, bp]’
the order (m,p) of the model class can be decided using cross validation, or visual inspection
Performance index
JH(θ) = 1/H * sum(i=1,H) ( W(e^jωi; θ) - Bi^/Ai*e^jφ1^ )^2
θ^ = argminθ {JH(θ)}
Usuallu JH(θ) is a type 3 performance index (not quadratic, not convex), so iterative optimization methods are required
On the frequencies selection
Theoretically, H points evenly spaced between 0 and Nyquist frequency ωN = 1/2 * ωs
In practice, it’s better to focus on a smaller bandwidth:
ωH 2 or 3 times larger than the expected cutoff frequency of the control system
Use of weighted frequencies
To have more accuracy in some regions of frequency, for example around cutoff freq. or around resonances of the system, different weights γi can be used:
the performance index becomes
JH(θ) = 1/H * sum(i=1,H) γi * ( W(e^jωi; θ) - Bi^/Ai*e^jφ1^ )^2
In this way errors in a given frequency range can be considered more.
single experiment
It’s a different way to obtain the data set (step 1).
Instead of H independet experiments, one single very long sweep experiment can be used, where the input varies its frequency from ω1 to ωH (sinusoidal sweep).
Then the signal can be cut in H pieces, or the ratio of complex spectra of output over input can be directly computed, obtaining an estimated W^(e^jω) (data set).
Comparison between time domain and frequency domain identification methods
Pros of f.d. methods:
- robust and reliable
- intuitive and easy to understand
- consistent with classical loop-shaping control design techniques
Cons of f.d. methods:
- experiment step is more demanding
- no model of the noise is obtained
The two methods, if done properly, should give very similar results