Analysis of ARMA processes Flashcards
time series interpretation
many different inputs concur to create a measurable output, but
- the inputs are not measurable
- each of them has a small influence on the output
how to model a time series
white noise signal is used as a fictitious, un-measurable input for a Mathematical model that gives the output
interpretation of the output
given N values of the output
{y(1), y(2), … , y(N)}
the interpretation is that these numbers are a finite realization of a stationary stochastic process
def mean value of a ssp
ssp y(t) my = E[y(t)]
def covariance function of a ssp
ssp y(t)
γy(τ) = E[(y(t)-my)*(y(t-τ)-my)]
τ = 0, +-1, +-2,…
properties of the covariance function
1) non-negativity:
γy(0) > = 0 (variance)
2) variance prevalence:
|γy(τ)| < = γy(0) for any τ
3) symmetry
γy(τ) = γy(-τ) (even function)
def spectrum of a ssp
spectrum of a ssp y(t):
discrete Fourier transform of γy(τ):
Γy(ω) = Σ(τ=-inf,+inf) γy(τ)*e^-jωτ
properties of the spectrum
- real function of ω
- non-negative function of ω
- even function of ω
- periodic function, with period 2pi
how to obtain the covariance function from the spectrum
inverse discrete Fourier transform
γy(τ) = 1/2pi * int(-pi,pi) Γy(ω)*e^jωτ dω
def moving average process
A ssp is a moving average process of order n (MA(n)) if
y(t) = c0e(t) + c1e(t-1) + … + cn*e(t-n)
e ~ WN(0, λ^2)
c0, c1, … , cn are the coefficients
n is the order
def auto-regressive process
A ssp is an auto-regressive process of order m (AR(m)) if:
y(t) = a1y(t-1) + a2y(t-2) + … + amy(t-m) + c0e(t)
e ~ WN(0, λ^2)
a1, a2,…, am, c0 are the coefficients
m is the order
def ARMA process
A ssp is said an Auto Regressive Moving Average process of orders (m,n) (ARMA(m,n)) if
y(t) = a1y(t-1) + a2y(t-2) + … + amy(t-m) + c0e(t) + c1e(t-1) + … + cne(t-n)
e ~ WN(0, λ^2)
a1, a2,…, am, c0, c1, … , cn are the coefficients
(m,n) are the orders
result on stationarity of a stochastic process
if y(t) is the output of a system with transfer function W(z), when the input is e(t):
y(t) is stationary if and only if
- e(t) is stationary
- W(z) is asymptotically stable
general rules on stationarity of MA(n) and AR(m) processes
MA(n) processes are characterized by
- n general zeros
- n poles in the origin
- > MA(n) processes are Always stationary
AR(m) processes are characterized by
- m general poles
- m zeros in the origin
- > stationarity is not a priori guaranteed and it should be checked
result on the computation of the spectrum of a ssp
if v(t) is a ssp, W(z) is an as. stable system, the spectrum of the output y(t) is given byu: Γy(ω) = Γv(ω) * |W(e^jω)|^2 for any ω app R