Linear regression Flashcards
Supervised Learning problem:
xi app R^d
yi app R
Assuming a linear relation between x and y
h(x) = sum(i=0,d) wi*xi = w’ x
w = [w0, w1, …, wd]’
x = [x0, …, xd]’
Learning algorithm
Minimize wrt h the sum of the squared distances between the data and the line h(x)
In theory, minimization of the out of sample error:
Eout(h) = E[ (h(x) - f(x))^2 ]
Since the probability distribution of f is unknown, in practice, minimization of the in sample error:
Ein(h) = 1/N * sum(n=1,N) (h(xn) - yn)^2
Analytical formula that solves the problem
Least squares formula:
w^ = (X’ X)^-1 X’ Y
where X is the input matrix N x d+1
Y is the output vector app R^N
Eout(h) = E[ (h(x) - f(x))^2 ] = Ein(h) + O(d/N)