Non-Ops Limits Ops Limits (-1-3 Sec. V) Flashcards
What are the considerations for going Full Throttle (fire-walled)?
“Use of this power setting is authorized only in an emergency, and may required an engine inspection. Document exceeding limits in AFTO Form 781.”
On the ground, each generator is limited to ___ amps maximum.
With both generators running in flight up to ___ feet, each generator is limited to ___ amps maximum.
With one generator running in flight up to ___ feet, that generator is limited to ___ amps maximum.
With one generator running in flight from ___ feet to ___ feet, that generator is limited to ___ amps maximum
Maximum speed for effective emergency landing gear extension is ___ KIAS.
Prohibited Maneuvers:
a. Aerobatic Maneuvers - Bank angle exceeds 60* or pitch attitude exceeds 30*
b. Spins
c. Takeoff and landing on unprepared surfaces
Acceleration Limitations:
Flaps up
Flaps extended
-1.0 to +3.2 Gs
0 to +2.0 Gs
Taxiing over BAK 9, BAK12, or BAK 13 (KIAS)
Avoid nose wheel contact with the support donuts
Max descent rate at touchdown
600 fpm
Max Speed brake extension speed/altitude
Maximum/Minimum volts from external power
28 to 28.5
Windshield Heat limitations for takeoffs and landings
Windshield Heat High is prohibited
Windshield Heat is required above FL___
Wing Heat is prohibited during ___
Ground operations except for before takeoff test and landing rollout.
Flap position indicator margin of error
The tip of the flap position indicator must be within the height of the text of the position selected.
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Maximum airfield pressure altitude
10,000 feet
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Ambient temperature
-40C to ISA +35C
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Cabin pressure
unpressurized for landing
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Engine sync
Must be off for Takeoff, approach, landing, and engine-out operations
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Which category type approaches are not authorized?
Category II ILS approaches
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Must be off for takeoff and landing
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Yaw Damper
Must be off for takeoff and landing
Takeoff and landing limitations:
Anti-Ice systems
All anti-ice systems except engine anti-ice must be off during takeoff
Enroute Limitations:
Ambient air temperature
-65C to ISA +35C
With autopilot on, pilot flying must ___
have seat belt and shoulder harness on.
Ignition switches must be on for:
Visible precipitation
Low Level Operation