Crew Briefings Flashcards
Engine Start
(Give a brief and see if you covered these points)
- Pwr Source - GPU vs Batt.
- Eng. Start Sequence - #2 or #1 first
- “START STOP” Procedures
- Gnd Comms if comm-out
- Egress Proc.s - Parking Spot, rendezvous, # ppl
- Engine Anti-Ice Req’s
Before Takeoff
(Give a brief and see if you covered these points)
- Left/Right seat, Static/Rolling
- ACM off proc.s?
- Departure Rwy & ATC Clrnc Proc.s
- Climb - Norm/Noise Abate/Obstacles?
- Check Atimeter Setting / Set Altitude Preselect
- Emergency T.O. & Return plan
- Eng. Anti-Ice Req.s
Descent or Pattern
(Give a brief and see if you covered these points)
- Destination Wx
- Instrument Appch
a. Left/Right seat
b. Flap setting
c. Appch Termination
d. Appch Name / Page#
e. NAVAID setup
f. MDA / LDA / DH / DA set
g. IAP loaded in FMS
h. Missed Appch / Climbout - VFR Patt.
a. Left/Right seat
b. Flap setting
c. Pattern termination - TOLD
a. Vapp (PF/PM)/Ref. Gnd Spd
b. Go-Around N1
c. AoA Index - 1.3
d. Hot Brake Spd
e. Landing/T&G distances - Brief passengers (if applicable)
Low-Level Entry
(Give a brief and see if you covered these points)
- Route Entry Time
- Altimeter Cross Check / Hdg Sys. Check
- Hazards / Heading
- Airspeed / Altitude
- Timing / Turns
- Emergency Proc.s
Brief It
(Give a brief for an instrument approach and see if you covered all the items)
“Crew, Attention to briefing”
1. Destination weather; Information __ is current.
2. This will be a (Left/Right) seat, (30/10) Flap, (ILS/LOC/RNAV/etc) to a (T&G, GA, Full Stop, Circling, etc).
NAVAIDs are ___. (MDA/DA) is ___ and set.
The approach is loaded in the FMS.
(Missed Approach/Climbout) procedures are ___.
4. Approach speed is ___ and set. Vapp plus ten is ___ and set. Reference Groundspeed is ___. Go Around N1 is ___ and set. AoA 1.3 is set. Hot Brakes ___, Landing Dist. ___, T&G Dist. ___. No passengers.
“If there are no questions, crew briefing completed.”
Brief It
(Give a brief for a visual approach and see if you covered all the items)
“Crew, Attention to briefing”
1. Destination weather; Information __ is current.
3. This will be a (Left/Right) seat, (30/10) Flap, (Visual Straight In/Overhead) to a (T&G, GA, Full Stop).
4. Approach speed is ___ and set. Vapp plus ten is ___ and set. Reference Groundspeed is ___. Go Around N1 is ___ and set. AoA 1.3 is set. Hot Brakes ___, Landing Dist. ___, T&G Dist. ___. No passengers.
“If there are no questions, crew briefing completed.”