Mobility Pilot Development Workbook - Section 1 CRM Flashcards
What is the definition of CRM?
The effective use of all available resources - people, weapon systems, facilities, and equipment, and environment - by individuals or crews to safely and efficiently accomplish an assigned mission or task.
The PM will announce all ___ deviations, airspeed deviations of ___ knots ot more from desired, and altitude deviations of ___ feet or more from desired.
____ will announce all heading deviations, an altitude deviation of ___ feet or more, an airspeed deviation of ___ knots or more from ___, any potential ___ or ___ problems, and any potential airborne ___ (e.g. birds or traffic conflicts).
Any crewmember
obstruction clearance
The PF will announce intentions for ___,___,___ and when circumstances require _____________. Should any crewmember be unsure of the PF’s intentions, _______________ prior to accomplishment. Unless otherwise directed, all primary crew members (as applicable) ____________.
deviating from normal procedures
they will ask for clarification
will acknowledge mandatory calls
The PM will make ____________ except those designated for other crew members by MDS-specific quidance and this instruction. EXCEPTION: _________ may satisfy this requirement __________________. Additionally, aircrew members (PM or otherwise) will advise the crew __________________ per MDS-specific V3 quidance.
-all normal advisory calls
-automated aircraft advisories
-if acknowledged by a primary crewmember
-any time the primary radio is changed
At: Transition Altitude
PM call:
PF response:
At: Transition altitude
PM call: “Transition altitude, 29.92 set”
PF response: “29.92 set” (or 1013)
At: 1000’ below assigned altitude
PM call:
PF response:
At: 1000’ below assigned altitude
PM call: “(altitude passing) for (altitude assigned)”
PF response: (acknowledge)
At: Transition Level
PM call:
PF response:
At: Transition Level
PM call: “Transition level, (local altimeter), set”
PF response: “(local altimeter) set”
Callouts required: 1000’ below (or above) assigned altitude OR 1000’ below/above IAF or holding altitude
PM: (Altitude passing) for (altitude assigned)
PF: Acknowledge
Callouts required: 100’ above procedure turn altitude, FAF altitude, stepdown altitudes inside the FAF, MDA, glide slope intercept, and decision altitude
PM: 100’ above
PF: No specified required response
Callouts required at MDA
PM: Minimums
PF: No specified required response
Callouts required: runway environment in sight (non-precision)
PM: Runway in sight
PF: Landing OR going around
Callouts required: missed approach point when runway environment is not in sight
PM: Go around (*2T-1v3)
PF: Going around
Callouts required: only approach lights in sight (CAT I ILS; ALSF-1/2 lighting)
PM: Continue
PF: No specified required response (or continuing)
What lighting is required to make the
“continuing call” on a CAT I ILS?
ALSF 1 or 2 approach lighting (has the red lights paralleling the sides of the runway for guidance)
Callouts required runway environment in sight (precision approach)
PM: Land
PF: Landing OR going around
Callouts required approach lights and/or runway environment not in sight
PM: Going around
PF: going around
What does DMX refer to in the context of autopilot transfer
Display, MSP settings, transfer
Although automation can assist with seeing and avoiding conflicting traffic, ____________ should ____________.
-at least one pilot
-maintain visual outside awareness
Pilots should ___________ in the use of ___________ and the skills required to ___________ between those levels.
-maintain proficiency
-all flight automation levels
-seamlessly shift
What should the pilot do if the flight automation creates a loss of situational awareness or results in task saturation?
The pilot should shift to a less demanding level or disconnect the automation entirely and re-establish the desired aircraft flight path
The pilot flying will _____, _____, and ____________ using the appropriate level of flight automation in a accordance with Flight manual guidance. The _________________ the announcement.
-fly the aircraft
pilot monitoring (PM) will acknowledge
One pilot should always remain ____________. Other than momentary occasions, any crewmember who observes ________________ (other than instrument flying) shall __________________.
-both pilots “heads-down” at the same time
-announce the issue to the crew without delay
Verbalize, verify and monitor (VVM) is a closed-loop system of communication designed to significantly reduce ______________ . MAF aircrews will utilize VVM procedures _______________ .
-aircraft automation errors
-to the maximum extent practical
Verbalize. _____________ to the _____________ (including altitude) the crewmember performing the action will ________ the intended change(s).
-Prior to making changes
-selected/armed flight guidance