11-202v3 Flashcards
Does ATC have the authority to give pilots clearance to deviate from the 11-202v3?
In an inflight emergency requiring immediate action, which rules from the 11-202v3 may the PIC deviate from?
“The PIC may deviate from any rule to the extent required to meet that emergency.”
“Before takeoff or immediately after in-flight refueling, an aircraft must have enough usable fuel to complete the flight”…? 202v3 para. 4.20.1
…”to a final landing, either at the destination airport or alternate airport (if required), plus fuel reserves; or,
…between air refueling control points and then to land at the destination (or a recovery base, if refueling is not successful), plus fuel reserves.”
Ensure the aircraft is carrying enough usable fuel on each flight to increase the total planned flight time between refueling points by…?
…10% (up to a maximum of 45 minutes for fixed-wing), or 20 minutes, whichever is greater
“When an alternate airport is required, fuel required for ___ at the intended destination must be included in the total flight plan fuel if ___ is/are used at the destination. Fuel required for a missed approach is not required if ___ is/are used.”
-an approach and missed approach
-visibility-only weather criteria
-both ceiling and visibility criteria
“___ flight plans are not automatically closed upon landing. Pilots must ensure their flight plan is closed to prevent ___”
-unnecessary search and rescue operations.
Who would you contact to close a flight plan?
Close with tower or FSS
“When landing at a non-towered civilian airfield or part-time-towered airports when the tower is not operating, the pilot is responsible for ensuring that flight plans are closed either by contacting ___, ___, or ___.”
-a FSS
-the originating airfield management
-through an ATC facility
Filing to (P) Fields (Civilian Fields):
When can you file to a P field?
-Interceptor - recovery of active air defense interceptor aircraft
-C coded aircraft/helo
-Wing commander or higher approval with LOA (airport manager grants permission in advance)
-Alternate - an alternate is required and no other suitable airport is available
-DOD tenant - a US Govt tenant (ANG, USCG, etc) is listed for the airport of intended landing and the facility can support the aircraft
Right of Way Rules:
(between dissimilar aircraft)
-Right-of-way is given to the aircraft least able to maneuver
-Towing/Air refueling
“Big Girls’ Toes Are Really Fun”
Right of Way Rules:
(between similar aircraft)
-Aircraft in distress have right of way over all other air traffic
-If aircraft are in the same category, the one on the other’s right has right of way
-If similar aircraft are converging head on, both turn right
-The overtaken aircraft has right of way, the overtaking one must yield right
-Aircraft established on final has right of way. If both are, the lower aircraft has right of way
Airspeeds in various airspaces:
Below 10,000’ :
Above 10,000 :
W/in 2500’ and 4 NM of Class C & D:
Class B below 10k’ (above) :
Under Class B & C :
250 kts
below Mach 1
200 kts
250 kts (below Mach 1)
200 kts
Minimum altitudes:
Congested: 1,000’ above highest obstacle and 2,000’ distance horizontally
Minimum VFR Altitudes:
500’ AGL
Minimum Altitudes:
Sparsely Populated:
500’ from any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure
Minimum Altitudes:
National parks, wildlife reserve, monuments, seashores:
2,000’ AGL
Minimum Altitudes:
“When flying under IFR, except when necessary for takeoff, landing, or when being vectored by ATC, do not fly lower than:
On airways, no lower than ___
Off airways, no lower than:
___; or,
An altitude that provides at least ___ of clearance above all obstacles within ___ of the course to be flown…” (___ in mtns) 202v3 para 12.3.2
-any published min for the airway
-The Off Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude (OROCA)
-The Off Route Terrain Clearance Altitude (ORTCA)
-1,000 feet
-4 NM
-2,000 feet
While flying VFR, it is the responsibility of whom to remain in VMC and traffic deconfliction?
It is the responsibility of the PIC to remain VMC and see & avoid traffic, even if receiving flight following.
NAS VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Minimums:
Class A
Vis: N/A
Cloud Clearance: N/A
NAS VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Minimums:
Class B
Vis: 3 SM
Cloud Clearance: Clear of Clouds
NAS VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Minimums:
Class C and Class D
Vis: 3 SM
Could Clearance: 500’ below, 1,000’ above, 2,000’ horizontal
NAS VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Minimums:
Class E & G (Fixed-wing) below 10k’
Vis: 3 SM
Cloud Clearance: 500’ below, 1,000’ above, 2,000’ horizontal
NAS VFR Cloud Clearance and Visibility Minimums:
Class E & G (Fixed-wing) at or above 10k’
Vis: 5 SM
Cloud Clearance: 1,000’ below, 1,000’ above, 1 SM horizontal
Wx req’d to file to/depart for a destination:
-Don’t depart IFR unless wx at destination, 1 hr before to 1 hr after ETA, is forecast to be at or above lowest approach mins. TEMPO conditions may be below approach mins
-For a straight-in or sidestep approach, forecast wx must meet required visibility mins
-For a circling approach, the forecast wx must meet both the ceiling and prevailing visibility mins
Is an alternate required? File an alternate when…
-Winds: forecast outside aircraft limitations
-Weather: if weather is worse than 123 rule to include tempo lines
1 hr before/1 hr after ETA, ceiling of 2,000’, visibility of 3 SM
-Weather: no weather reporting capabilities
-Denial of RVSM (FL290-FL410) prevents reaching destination
-Radar/GPS approaches only (ie compatible approach procedure not available at destination airfield)
-Unmonitored NAVAID: all approaches required unmonitored NAVAID
-Mins for lowest approaches are greater than or equal to 1500/3 or no compatible approach
-Any note disqualifying the airfield or all compatible approaches in the “IFR Alternate Mins”
Does the alternate qualify?
-Prevailing weather at alternate +/-1 hr from ETA is forecast to be at or above:
Ceiling: 1000’ or 500’ above lowest compatible approach mins, whichever is higher
-Visibility: 2 SM or 1 SM above lowest compatible approach mins, whichever is higher
-This includes TEMPO lines, except those caused by thunderstorms, rain showers, or snow showers
-If no instrument approach, the forecast wx +/- 1 hr from ETA must permit a descent from the min enroute altitude (MEA), approach, and landing under basic VFR
What wx do you need to begin an approach?
-WX must be at or above minimums prior to starting approach
-If reported wx decreases below lowest compatible mins after beginning descent, receiving radar vectors, or established on any segment of the approach prior to MAP, the approach may be continued to the MAP and a landing may be accomplished
What wx do you need for takeoff?
-Must have lowest compatible approach mins
-No thunderstorms or other hazardous conditions producing hail, strong winds, gust fronts, heavy rain, lighting, wind shear, or microbursts unless the flight path is clear
-No ice, snow, frost on aircraft unless authorized by Dash 1
Prioritized list of authorized weather sources
-MAJCOM approved wx source
-Regional Operational Weather Squadron (OWS)
-DoD military wx source (e.g. Navy wx facilities)
-Other US Govt wx facilities (e.g. NWS, FAA)
-Foreign civil or military
Departures: Airport measured by a __:__ obstacle identification surface (OIS) ratio within __ miles (__ miles mountainous terrain). OIS is equivalent to ___ fpnm, with __ added for obstacle clearance (___ fpnm)
25 NM
46 NM
152 feet per NM
48 feet
200 feet per NM
When to file IFR:
-When mission conditions require it
-When flight through weather is required
-Above FL180
-At night
Low Close-in Obstacles: obstacles that require a ___ fpnm climb, until aircraft is ___ ft above the DER. This climb assumes the aircraft is at least ___ over DER
Obstacles that require a 200 fpnm climb, until aircraft is 200 ft above the DER. This climb assumes the aircraft is climbing in accordance with Table 5.2, or at least 35’ over DER
What are the different types of instrument departures?
S: SID (Standard Instrument Departure)
A: ATC Instructions
D: Diverse Departure
M: MAJCOM certified
O: Omni-Directional Departure
D: DVA (Diverse Vector Area)
What is a SID?
A published procedure to simplify clearance delivery procedures. They provide protection from obstacles but they are not ODPs and may not be flown unless approved by ATC.
Do SID require ATC clearance?
SIDs require ATC clearance
If you cannot fly a SID, how do you tell ATC?
If unable to fly, put “NO SID” in remarks section of 1801, or say “Unable” on radios.
What is a Diverse Departure?
Not cleared by ATC or filed on flight plan; you just fly it
When do you fly a Diverse Departure?
Applies when no obstacles (other than low close-in obstacles) penetrate the 40:1 OIS
When can you NOT fly a Diverse Departure?
CANNOT fly a diverse departure if ODP exists for runway
What is a MAJCOM certified departure?
In restricted areas or during contingency operations, MAJCOMs may develop and authorize departure procedures
What is an ODP?
Obstacle Departure Procedure (NRVS)
-Non-Standard T/O min.s
-Reduced Takeoff Runway Length (RTRL) Procedures
-Visual Climb Over Airport (VCOA)
-Specific Routing
Or any combination of the above
Can you be vectored off of an ODP?
Aircraft may not be vectored off an ODP, or issued an altitude lower than the published altitude on an ODP, until at or above the MVA (min vectoring altitude)/minimum IFR altitude, at which time the ODP is canceled
What is an Omni-Directional Departure?
-It’s an ICAO procedure very similar to the the FAA’s diverse departure but omni-d departures can penetrate OIS
-No track guidance available or provided
-Pilots may turn in any direction upon reaching 400’ above DER
What is a DVA?
(Diverse Vectoring Area)
Allows for radar vectors to be used in lieu of an ODP at locations where an ODP has been established
Aircrew not breathing supplemental oxygen will NOT:
Exceed 1 hr between 10,000’ MSL and 12,500’ MSL if flight is conducted in:
-Employing weapons
-Conducting airdrops
-Performing high-g maneuvers
-Exceed 30 mins between 12,500’ MSL and 14,000’ MSL
-Operate above 14,000’ MSL
Supplemental oxygen will be used by all occupants between which altitudes?
14,000’ MSL and FL250
All occupants will wear pressure suits above what altitude?
How to enter:
-Parallel, teardrop, direct entry
-6 Ts: Time, Turn, Torque, Twist, Track, Talk
How to enter holding for Parallel Entry:
Parallel: Turn to outbound heading as soon as reaching fix
How to enter holding for a Teardrop Entry:
Teardrop: Fly heading 30 degrees off outbound heading onto the maneuvering side of hold upon reaching fix (ie if outbound heading is 090, turn 060 at fix)
How to enter holding for a Direct Entry:
Proceed Direct to the fix and start holding