Non-Gov Food Models (Nutrition Australia) Flashcards
Name 3 Non-Government initiatives aimed at promoting healthy eating
Nutrition Australia initiatives:
- Healthy Eating Pyramid
- National Nutrition Week
- Healthy Eating Advisory Service
What is Nutrition Australia?
- Australia’s primary nutrition body.
- Aims to provide scientifically based nutrition information to encourage all Australians to achieve optimal health.
- Community education body for nutrition as a source of scientific information on nutrition issues
- Produce and distribute nutrition information to policy makers, media, educators, food industry and consumers an act as consultants to government departments, food industry & consumer groups to promote optimal health and wellbeing for all Australians by encouraging food variety.
What is the Healthy Eating Pyramid?
- Initiative of Non-Government group Nutrition Australia
- Based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines
- Visual guide: pyramid with 4 different layers which represent the food groups and proportions in which they should be consumed every day.
What is the Healthy Eating Advisory Service?
- Funded with the Victorian Government and delivered by Nutrition Australia Vic Division.
- Works to promote consumption of healthy food and drinks in: early childhood services, schools, hospitals, workplaces
- Hotline: provides telephone nutrition advice and assistance with menu planning to provide tasty, nutritious food and drink options
- Staff training: e.g. for chefs and food service staff on developing and modifying menus to provide and produce healthy options
What is National Nutrition Week?
- Annual event held in October to coincide with United Nations World Food Day.
- National Nutrition Week Kit designed every year and contains resources such as nutrition information and recipes to assist community groups including schools, workplaces, health centres on how to promote healthy eating during this week
- Utilises social media to spread their message including competitions with brand partners and sponsors.
- Each year has a short catchy focus e.g. Tryfor5 (veg)