Non Fatals : OAPA Flashcards
Assault occasioning actual bodily harm
AR (s47)
Actual Bodily harm- an injury that is more than trivial but less than serious harm
Chan fook- psychiatric harm can be deemed ABH
What does the case define ABH as? (Miller)
Actual bodily harm is any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim, that is not transient or trifling
Mens Rea
R v Roberts-The mens rea for common assault is sufficient
No need to find MR for ABH
Intention or recklessness as to causing GBH (some harm) or wounding
AR (S20)
1) Unlawful Wounding,or
Break two layers of skin- JCC v Eisenhower
2) Unlawful infliction of GBH
DPP v Smith- GBH is no more and no less than “really serious harm”
R v ireland- S20 offence can be committed without an assault or battery
R v bollom- injuries caused to a child or elderly person will be more serious than the same injuries to a fully fit adult
R v Dica- recklessly transmitting a disease to an unknowing victim was ruled to be inflicting GBH
The wounding or GBH must have been done Maliciously
Cunningham- said that Maliciously meant that the D intended to cause the harm or was reckless as to such harm occurring
Mowatt- the D will be liable under S20 provided that he intended or foresaw “some physical harm to some person, albeit of a minor charecter.
Intention or recklessness as to serious harm or wounding or being reckless when such injuries are caused whilst trying resist arrest
Same as S20
D needs cause serious harm or wounding