Non-articular Rheumatism Flashcards
Diagnosis? Pain with abduction 60-120 degrees -Pain increased when add resistance - Impingement sign positive less pain with passive than active motion
rotator cuff
+ drop arm test = cannot hold arm abducted at 90 degrees for very long
rotator cuff tear
what causes a rotator cuff tear?
trauma or gradual degradation
shoulder injury more common in younger pts and more likely to be assc with a calcific deposit at the insertion of the supraspinatius tendon
rotator cuff
Seen with prolonged immobilization of arm
Severe loss of active and passive ROM in ALL places
Adesive Capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
Adesive Capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) is assc with what condition
Yergason’s sign: supination against resistance elicits pain
Speed test: shoulder flexion against resitance elicits pain
Bicipical Tendonitis:
What can prolonged bicipical tendoniti lead to?
rupture –> popeye sign
What happens if you paplate the long head of the biceps tendon when a pt has bicipical tendonitis
it hurts
Numbness and parathesis in dermatomal pattern
pain in a dermatomal pattern
numb: Nerve Entrapment Syndromes
pain: cervical radiculopathy
median N entrapment syndrome name
carpel tunnel
Nerve is compressed at suprascapualr notch by suprascapular ligament or the spinoglenoid notch by the transverse ligament
Suprascapular N entrapment syndrome
*due to overhead activities
ulnar N entrapment syndrome name
cubital tunnel
axillary N entrapment syndrome name
quadralateral space syndrome
SWELLING, pain, increased vascularity and XR evidence of demineralization
–> atrophy of SKIN and muscles (skin my become cool and shiny)
–> irreversible flexion CONTRACTURES with pale, cool extremity
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
*follows minor trauma
cervical radiculopathy, normal or abnormal EMG?
May be assc with viral infection, post viral syndrome, or vaccination
Brachial Neuritis:
Long term hemodialysis pts with shoulder pain, weakness, loss of ROM, functional limitation
Dialysis Shoulder Arthropathy
Diagnosis (2 diff)
- pain then atrophy of muscles
- swelling and pain then atrophy of skin and muscles –> flexion contractures
- brachial neuritis
2. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
What muscles will atrophy in brachial neuritis
Deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, biceps, triceps, DIAPRAGM
Neoplasms that could cause shoulder pain in a younger pt? What part of the bone would they involve?
Chondroblastoma (epiphysis) Osteogenic Sarcoma (metaphysis)
Neoplasms that could cause shoulder pain in an older pt?
Multiple Myeloma
Apical Ling tumor
Mets MAP
Fractured anatomical neck of Humerus can lead to…
Long term steroid use, SLE, hemaglobinopathies, pancreitis, hyperbarism all pre-dispose a person to
Numbness and parasthesia of the little finger and adj side of 4th digit
Ulnar N entrapment
medial side of elbow
Ulnar N entrapment is diagnosed with…
- Due to degeneration od the common EXTENSOR tendon (extensor carpi radialis brevis)
- Due to degeneration od the common FLEXOR tendon (flexor carpi radialis)
- lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
2. Medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow)
“Golfball on the elbow”
olecranon bursitis
causes of olecranon bursitis
septic/infective, due to gout, or trauma
Pain with Forced forearm pronation and resisted wrist flexion
Medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
Localized tenderness anteriorly to lateral epicondyle. What muscle inserts here?
lateral epicondylitis
extensor carpi radialis brevis
Overuse injury of the elbow
lateral and medial epicondylitis
and ulnar N entrapment (kinda)
Localized tenderness anteriorly to medial epicondyle. What muscle inserts here?
Medial epicondylitis
flexor carpi radialis
Nocturnal parathesis (of affected digits) Intermittent pain and parasthesia during the day → clumsiness
carpal tunnel
Pain in the palm of hand, mainly with flexion of digits
Flexor Tenosynovitis:
mucous filled cysts arising from a joint or tendon sheath
wrist pain
+ finkelstein test = tumb war position then ulnar deviate … elicits pain
deQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
Caused by thickening of the A1 retinacular pully in the palm
Treated with CCS and splining
Trigger fingers
Tender over “volar tendon sheath”
Flexor Tenosynovitis:
Postive Tinel: pins and needles in fingers with percussion of flexor retinaculuim
Carpel Tunnel
What lines the mucous filled cysts in “ganglion”
Positive Phalen: forced flexion of both wrists and hold them together with dorsal side
carpel tunnel
Where does ganglion commonly present
dorsum of the wrist
Tx for ganglion
corticosterioids then surgery
Pain and tenderness of medial flexor surface of wrist and sometimes elbow and shoulder pain with physical activity
carpel tunnel
Flexor tenosynovitis is inflammation of the tendon sheaths of what muscles?
deQuervain’s tenosynovitis is inflammation of the tendon sheaths of what muscles?
FT: flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus
dT: extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis brevis
assc with triggering of the fingers
Flexor Tenosynovitis
What is thought to cause ganglion?
Whats systemic conditions are assc with carpel tunnel?
CHF multiple myeloma TB pregancy DM RA gout Obesity
What N is being compressed in carpal tunnel?
Tx for carpel tunnel?
night splints, corticosteriod injections
surgery release only for pts with failed conservative therapy and sensory loss or thenar atrophy
Painful OA involving carpometacarpal joint of the thumb can often be treated successfully with
Lateral thigh pain that stops at the knee
trocanteric bursitis
Diffuse lateral thigh pain (burning or numbness)
Meralgia perasthetica (entrapment of lateral femoral cutaneous N)
What structures compress the nerve in meralgia perasthetica (lat fem cut N)
inguinal ligament or psoas inserion
What are common causes of Meralgia perasthetica
Cystic swelling or discomfort behind the knee
Popliteal Cysts (Baker’s cyst)
Swelling superficial to kneecap
Prepatellar bursitis (Housemaid’s knee)
pain (esp when climbing stairs), tenderness and swelling on medial side of knee
Anserine Bursitis
What muscles insert on the pes anserinus
SGT pes anserinus
Pain/discomfort seeming to originate from the contact of the posterior surface of the patella with the femur
Patellar tendonitis
What causes Patellar tendonitis
frequent jumping
aka jumper’s knee
Rubor, calor, dolor over patellar and adjacent tissue but non-tender
septic prepatellar bursitis
+ Thompson’s sign: squeeze gastromenius and foot does NOT plantar flex
achillies tendon rupture
- diagnosis?
Pain, swelling, and tenderness over Achilles tendon - What intensifies this pain?
achillies tendonitis
Follows chronic foot strain or improper footwear (cramped toes or pointed shoes)
+ Pain at MTP joints
Sesamoiditis is…
Damage to articular surface between sesamoids and __________ –> pain and inflammation
1st metatarsal head
aching or burning that radiates from web to affected toes
morton’s neuroma
flexion of PIP joint + tip of toe points downward
Characteristic pain worse with first step in the morning
plantar fascitis
What is a bunionette? What is it assc with?
prominence of metatarsal head; hammertoe
What is cavus feet?
high arches (hereditary)
What is Morton’s Neuroma
entrapment of interdigial plantar N in the web space between the 3rd and 4th toes
Also assc with poliomyelitis, Friedreich’s ataxia, spina bifida
cavus feet
Calcaneus is everted and out toeing is seen on ambulation
flat feet (pes planus)
Pain on the undersurface of heal with weight bearing
plantar fasciitis
A tendon swelling behind the ankle with bulging on both sides of the tendon
Achillies Bursitits
Localized tenderness (without swelling) on the anteriomedial portion of the plantar surface of the calcaneus
plantar fasciitis
dorsiflexion will make the pain worse with
plantar fasciitis and achillies tendonitis
achillies bursitis if passive
What is the cause/pathophys of plantar fasciitis?
repetitive microtrauma → tearing and stretching of the fibers of the plantar fascia and its narrow calcaneal attachment
Loss of longitudinal arch on medial side of foot
flat feet (pes planus)
rupture of the tibilais tendon can cause this
flat feet
chronic irritation → neuroma in foot
morton’s neuroma
can lead to chondromalacia or OA in the foot
Non-restorative sleep pattern; tender points, widespread pain for > 3 mos, athralgias, burning and parathesias in extremeties, IBS, migraanes, medicanion sensitivities, depression/anxiety
Neuroimaging in fibromyalgia pts shows
increased gray matter and dysfunction of hypocampus
Causes of lumbar spinal stenosis
Idiopathinc Congenital (achondroplasia) Hypertrophy of ligamentum flavium or facet joint Disk herniation Spondylolisthesis Scoliosis Pagets, ankylosing spondylitis
noctournal pain
Unexplained weight loss
infection or cancer (in spine i guess)
Urinary retention Outflow incontinence Fecal incontinence Bilateral or progressive motor deficit Saddle anesthesia
cauda equina
Severe morning stiffness
Pain that improves with exercise not rest
Pain during 2nd half of night
Alternanting buttock pain
Fecal incontinence
cauda equina
Pain that improves with exercise not rest
Saddle anesthesia
cauda equina
Outflow incontinence
cauda equina
noctournal pain
infection or cancer (in spine i guess)
Severe morning stiffness
Alternanting buttock pain