Nollywood & home video Flashcards
“home video” can either mean:
movies made at home by amateurs or movies made by professionals but viewed at home
Eastman Kodak has made 16mm film aimed at amateurs since [1], it was called [2] bc it was far less flammable than 35mm
- 1923
- safety film
safety film was what type of film stock?
reversal film stock - no negative/positive, film is shot then developed
other uses of 16mm film (3):
- avant garde film
- profession but low budget movies
- direct cinema
list the series of cheap/easy film formats for home video (3):
1932: 8mm film was released
1965: super8
1973: option of magnetic sound added to super8
Home movies have easily been made on film for those with enough money since the
what are the 2 aspects in which home movie making crosses over with home movie viewing?
analog and then digital video
first commercially available video tape was released in the :
what were the 2 video formats avalible for home use by the mid-70s?
1, betamax by sony
2. VHS by JVC
what were the 2 reasons that VHS eventially won out over betamx?
- beta would originally record only an hour, while VHS could handle a full movie
- sony wouldn’t allow porn on beta tapes
the history of home viewing is enmeshed with both
feature films and porn
first integrated camera and video tape recorders were introduced in
CD was invented in [1] and released in [2]
- 1980
- 1982
DVD was relased in
what were the 2 other digital video formats popular internaionally?
1, LaserDisc
2. VCD )video CD)
VCD expanded the nollywood market bc:
the players and discs were even cheaper and more accessible than VHS
Blu-Ray was introduced in…
did home video or TV have more impact on the cinema decline?
Nollywood is integrated with home viewing in a way….
that other industries are not
nollywood arose outside of [1], is thus a [2]
- cinemas
- home viewing industry
nollywood raises questions about what we consider to be a…
feature film
‘feature film’ usually refers to [1], but historically has also included [2]
- duration
- cinematic/theatrical release
when we think about major film industries of the world, we don’t usually think about Nollywood bc…
it hasn’t primary been filmmaking for theatrical release
nigera was a british colony from the:
mid-19th century & english remains widely spoken
the 3 major ethinc groups in nigera are:
Hausa (north)
Yoruba (southwest)
Igbo (southeast)
Most people practiced indigenous religions until the [1], but british polcy was to [2]
1, 20th century
2. discourage this
Another ongoing tradition is the importance of
chiefs in villages
military rule in nigeria until
first fully civilian govt in nigeria established in
Ethnic and religious strife is ongoing to this day, partially caused by
the economic difference between the poorer north and the much wealthier south
The clashes between the families in Wedding Party are: (3)
- ethinic
- lingustic
- based in socioeconomic class
what is they key reason that Nollywood developed as a cinema-free cinema?
polticial instability and oppressive military rule
cinemas disappered between
military rule and the 90s
despite having very few cinemas, nigera has developed…
one of the biggest film industries in the world
Post-colonial nigerian cinema emerges from the
yoruba theatre tradition
in the 80s, yoruba theater filmmakers began to shoot on video bc
celluloid film was insanely expensive, currency was devalued & it basically became impossible to import film tech
Kenneth Nnebue was a…
key producer of yoruba theare as home video
what film is considered to be the beginning of Nollywood cinema?
Living in Bondgae (1992)
the introduction of english language nollywood movies means that…
audiences are wider
what aer the 4 key aspects of nollywood?
- low budgets
- very quickly made
- lot of improv
- distribution through home viewing
nollywood is fundamentally what kind of cinema?
initially nollywood was aimed at the
urban poor
Nollywood is popular in the sense of being aimed at a [1], rather than a [2]
- local culture
- global one
Between 2000 and 2010, nollywood became “documentary” in the sense that it
exemplified the experiences of nigerians
african popular film is less well known than what other types of black african films? (2)
art film or documentary
“new nollywood” refers to
films with higher budgets that are meant for not only home viewing but also for viewing in cinemas
While many african art cinemas productions are co-prodced with france/other european countries, nollywood….
doesn’t tend to have european money in its budgets
Wedding Party follows which format?
new nollywod