indian realism & post-colonial socialism Flashcards
colonialism and imperialism differ in that:
colonialism has more emphasis on settling colonies, imperialism has more emphasis on economic gains
european colonialism did not begin as a political project, but as a…
trade or economic project
what year did official british rule of begal begin?
what years were the british raj?
both world wars were key to the…
indian independance movement
what is the Discovery of India?
Nehru’s 1946 book that argued that Indians needed to value the aspects of india that had resisted colonization
pater panchali can be said to be a cinematic version of…
Discovery of India
“Tollywood” represents the western sense that…
Indian cinema copies the west, ignoring that Hollywood draws on many other cultural influences
political backdrop of mid-century indian cinema is…
colonialism and conflict
what years are the Golden Age of indian cinema?
parallel cinema is [1], while popular cinema is [2]
- realist
- anti-realist
bollywood films have never been purely…
melodrama was a way for india to think through…
its new independence and the divisions within it
bollywood’s anti-realist aesthetics come largely from its…
strong ties to literary traditions and other art forms
bollywood is not anti-realist in the [1], although its narratives are [2]
- political sense
- melodramatic in structure
the auterist/biographical approach means that:
we view the director as the author and maker of meaning
Ray is a product of both…
British colonialism and indian independence
Ray was an [1], with [2]
- indian citizen
- western focused education and passions
to say that Pather Panchali is inspired by Bicycle Thieves is [1] and prioritizes [2]
- not true
- european agency over indian
audiences liked Pather Panchali, but they saw it as a….