No Flap Bonus Questions Flashcards
What is 1-1 landing distance based on?
- Firm contact of landing gear at touchdown
- Spoiler initiation 1.3 second after touchdown
- Max anti-skid brakes applied 1.6 seconds after touchdown
- Thrust reverser initiation 2.6 secs after touchdown (max thrust 4.1 secs later)
A normal flare and touchdown with maximum antiskid braking immediately after nose gear touchdown could increase actual ground roll distance by approximately _______ feet.
Delayed application of maximum antiskid braking could further increase ground roll distance by approximately _____ feet per second of delay.
Normal taxi with random light braking will produce a brake temperature increase of ____ °C. This temperature increase assumes a typical gross weight and moderate taxi distance; heat is generated by light braking and ground maneuvering.
Extended taxi operations may produce brake temps greater than ____ °C.
Extended taxi is defined as a taxi segment exceeding ______ feet.
When does the flight engineer have to compute predicted brake temps for landing?
Any flight shorter than 1 hour
Landing above 600,000 lbs (regardless of flap setting)
Any time runway length is shorter than twice calculated min run landing data
Flap setting less than 40%
Emergency return prior to takeoff
What is the minimum speed on downwind during a no flap?
100% VAPP + 60
What is the minimum speed on base during a no flap?
No flap approach speed + 20
When can you slow down to no flap approach speed?
Established on final (no turns)
WARNING: Bank angles should be limited to _______ when the airplane is below 200 feet, and should not exceed _______ when at or below 50 feet.
15 degrees; 5 degrees
WARNING: Pitch angles should be limited to a maximum of _______ when the airplane is below 200 feet.
10 degrees
WARNING: When the flaps are at less than _______ and the nose gear is not down and locked or any of the MLG positioning collars are not engaged, the associated landing gear warning horn protection will not be available.
80 percent
The downwind and base legs should be extended to _______ of a normal flaps-down traffic pattern.
150 percent
No Flap FYI:
Attempt to fly a normal glide path
Timely and positive power adjustments will be necessary to maintain desired airspeed
Approaching the threshold, power should be reduced earlier than normal, because, due to the low drag configuration, deceleration will be much slower
Do not perform a flare which results in a hold-off type landing, but allow the airplane to fly onto the runway
Ground effect will reduce the sink rate and cause the nose to pitch down
Any increase in nose up attitude will cause the airplane to float and may result in aft fuselage contact with the runway
Also, higher decelerations are possible on the ground than in the air; therefore, the shortest landing distance will result from flying the airplane onto the runway as soon as possible after threshold passage
When the main landing gear contacts the runway, begin to lower the nose wheel to the runway immediately.
When flying a no flap approach should you ever put the Spoiler Ratio Shifter switches in AUTO?
NO. Forcing the ratio shifter to provide a full 60 degrees of flight spoiler deflection may result in over-controlling.
What is the no flap expected AOA?
Turning to final, what is the minimum speed?
No flap approach speed + 20
If you go around on a no flap what speed do you maintain? Do you go to flaps 40%?
No flap approach speed; NO
Exceeding reverse thrust idle below ____ KCAS at any time will require an engine and TR systems inspection and a 781A entry will be made.
What are the only four approved calls by the PM when the thrust reversers are deployed upon landing?
Max crosswind and gross weight for a no flap approach (training only) is?
15 knots; 525,000 pounds