No Cost Benefits Flashcards


Will Kit


Will Kit

Your next benefit is The Last Will and Testament. Are you familiar with Wills? (Yes or No) Wills are something everyone knows they need, but not something that’s easy to get. Do you know how you would typically go about setting up a will, CLIENT? Typically, you go through a lawyer and you know they usually charge you for everything even just setting up a phone call with them. Everything is going to cost something. This is why we started offering the Will Kit to all our members. And the Will is very simple to fill out.
EXPLAIN THE WILL: show how the workbook explains how to fill out the actual document and highlight the following key points:
Executor – whoever you choose as the executor will inherit any debts due to your burial, funeral or last illnesses.
When you die all of your assets are frozen and your family won’t have access to your accounts until any outstanding debts are settled.
GUARDIANSHIP of kids – if something happens to the parents of any minor children, those kids become wards of the state and will go into the foster care system unless you have this filled out.
Notarized – Joe/Mary this is the most important part. This is where you are going to get it legalized.

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Family Vision Card


Your next benefit is this family vision card. This works above and beyond what you already have through work. (Share screen/vision card) Most of our members have between 150-250 dollars every 2 years for eyewear, which almost everyone agrees is just simply not enough. This card will take 30% off the price right at the counter and is saving our members thousands of dollars on eyewear. The best part of this program is that it doesn’t expire, unlike your group benefits. Pretty good card wouldn’t you agree? Now if you don’t shop at Vogue we also have another card for you to use at Loblaws or superstore. When was the last time someone gave you a lifetime 30% discount? Everyone you sponsored for the accident policy is also going to be getting the eyewear discount card. So, I need to know who on this list has glasses. I want to make sure I mention this benefit when I get in contact with them. Do these people have a spouse or partner?

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No Cost AD&D


Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Great, so let me go over your first benefit. This is the Accidental Death and Dismemberment certificate that your letter talked about. (member’s name), this is a living benefit that pays you $X,000 for the accidental loss of hands, feet, eyes, or any combination of the two. If you lose one hand, you get half the amount. Make sense? (spouse’s name), for you, this is a death benefit that would pay you $X,000 should (member’s name) die because of an accident.
Now, (member’s name), I am going to let you assign your beneficiary. You currently have (spouse’s name) assigned; did you want to keep it that way? Now, God forbid something happens to (spouse’s name) before you or something happens to you together who would you want the money to go to? WFA Great, where do they live and what is the best number to reach them at? Next, we need an emergency contact. This person is not going to receive any of the benefit but will be able to help complete any forms and process the claims. Again, this person should be over the age of 18.

Ok I will email or text this to you as soon as we are done, so you have it for your records.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Referrals
Built into this package is obviously $X,000 (this would correspond to the value of their AD&D policy) for you (member’s name), but there is an additional $10,000 that we can allocate to people closest to you. These are done in $2,000 increments, and we usually start with the contingent beneficiary, and the emergency contact, because those are the people that are closest to you. We have $6,000 in coverage left, so 3 other people we can attach onto the plan at no cost. Who is the next person you would like to put down? (Refer to rapport)

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Child Safe Kit


t (if they don’t have kids then briefly explain it)
Before I get into the details of the Child Safe Kits, I wanted to ask you a quick question… Do you happen to know your child’s approximate height and weight?
If yes- Awesome! You’re in the small percentage of parents that know their children’s height/weight, and it’s very important information if they were to go missing.
If no- No worries! This is why we are showing you the CSK, so you have that information ready to go.

These CSK are to be used if a child runs away, gets kidnapped or goes missing. Police and our communities are actively searching for over 2,300 children each day and over 800,000 children each year. When unprepared, it can take up to 4 hours for the Police to collect the information need to put out an Amber Alert, that means a 4-hour search radius in every direction. Even more frightening is the fact that if the lost child isn’t found within the first 24 hours, there is a 93% chance they won’t be found or won’t be found alive. So (member’s name) and (spouse’s name), can you see why these Child Safe kits are so important for every parent?

(Share screen/CSK)
Go over the CSK document quickly.
Important points not to miss: Hair sample with folicule for DNA / Fingerprints can be done with an inkpad from Dollarama (do not roll from nail to nail) / physical description is anything from birthmarks/scars, glasses, braces.

If you’re like me, you don’t go anywhere without your phone, right? Therefore, we have an app you can use. The app is called “Kids Safety Kit” and in the description you’ll see the name for the International Union of Police Association.

🡺 Instructions for downloading the kit will be provided in training.

If you don’t want to use the app, please take a picture of the paper CSK you will fill out and save it in an album separately on your phone.

Explain a situation where and how they would use the CSK relevant to their family dynamic. Or insert your own story. Connect with the parents.

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