Closing Flashcards


Most Used Objections



AGREE - (Relax first … show visibly that you are relaxed …i.e. sit back in your chair and say:” that’s
“No problem. I understand where you’re at. In fact, I think you are being very responsible to continue thinking about this stuff.

ASK PERMISSION – Do you mind if I ask you a few questions just to see where you’re at? We all need to think about things, but the truth is, none of us need to “think about” making sure our loved ones are protected when something happens to us. What we are usually thinking is how much coverage do I need, how much is it going to cost, and most importantly ….am I healthy enough to qualify.

ASK QUESTIONS – So let me ask you, does the plan I went over make sense to you? Do you have any questions about how any part of it works? Do you like how the budget was set up using the Hour Power to make sure it’s comfortable? Do you see the value in plan, like God forbid something happened to you today, your paycheck continuing tomorrow would help Mary?

RECLOSE – What’s important right now is just making sure you get in on the benefits and keep it comfortable since you can make changes anytime if your health doesn’t take a turn for the worse. Now, we have Mary listed here as your beneficiary. Who did you want listed as the contingent in the event something happens to Mary or to the both of you together?


AGREE - (Relax first … show visibly that you are relaxed …i.e. sit back in your chair and say:” that’s
“No problem. I understand where you’re at. It’s difficult nowadays to make ends meet. It seems as all our bills are always increasing! But if things are tight now, I couldn’t imagine how tight they will be if your income stopped coming in.

ASK PERMISSION – Do you mind if I ask you a few questions just to see where you’re at?

ASK QUESTIONS – Do you understand how everything I went over works; did I explain it clearly? Do you see the value in plan, like God forbid something happened to you today you would agree that your paycheck continuing tomorrow would help Mary? Well as I mentioned earlier, the hour power has been set up to make sure these are comfortable for the families we see but sometimes we need to adjust the price a little to make it more comfortable and THAT’s OK! What’s important now is making sure you get something in place.

RECLOSE – If the 2 hours per week is not comfortable right now we can put you in something a little less. Remember, you can adjust anytime as long as your health doesn’t take a turn for the worse.

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Common Objections


My kids can pay for my burial expenses

Hey ____ I get it, even if they’re in a position to come up with the 20 or $30,000 for your final arrangements, I doubt you’d want to put them in that situation with that money they’ve worked so hard to earn for their family and to leave a financial burden on them. It just takes a few minutes to get this wrapped up for you

I just wanted to look into it… I am not sure I need it right now

I totally understand, life insurance isn’t one of those things you can just buy though it’s something you need to be qualified for first. It’s really going to be up to the company. All we can do is submit a request for approval and help you get enrolled. As far as the need goes: A simple question to ask is If something happened to you last night and your income stopped coming in would your wife need to have the supplement income from us?

I don’t want to take care of it now

I understand, let me ask you a question is this some thing that’s important to you can you see how having life insurance would save your family the headache of having to come up with the immediate money if you died? Wouldn’t you agree the things that are important should be taken care of? This will only take a few minutes

This is not a good time

I get it, life insurance is not the most enthusiastic topic to speak about. The best time to purchase life insurance is the day before you become uninsurable or the day before you pass. Since we don’t know when that is going to be the best time is right now.


I already got that taken care of

I understand, the cool thing about our company needs analysis is it takes into account everything you have in and out of work to make sure you only apply for what you need.

I’m just shopping around

John that’s awesome, I’m glad you’re taking the necessary steps to protect your family. The great thing about our company and your company is the relationship they have built to maintain work with each other for this long. Your group did all the shopping around for you so it’s one less thing you need to worry about

I need to think about it

I completely understand. No one really needs to think about protecting their family so whenever someone tells me they need to think about it they are usually concerned about the price or the product. Which one is it?

I’m not interested

I completely understand. No one is really interested in talking about insurance but everyone is interested in protecting their family. So whenever someone tells me they are not interested they are usually concerned about the price or the product. Which one is it?

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Closing the Presentation


Price – For everything we just went over, your contribution is set at $XX monthly. Like I said earlier - we know this is going to be comfortable because I have kept it within your 1 to 2 hours of your wage.

Safeguards - Because these benefits are meant to be permanent and portable throughout your lifetime - we have included some safeguards to make sure you never go without them.
TIR (terminal illness rider), Strike waiver, Layoff, APL (automatic premium loan), WP (only if added)

Summary - Now starting today - If you qualify, you will be covered for… (Summarize what you had them write down)

Close - Now like I said from the start my job is simple - I am just here to deliver and explain the benefits and answer any questions you may have.

Do you have any questions about how any of this stuff works?
No, I do have one question for you. Right now, we have (beneficiary name) down as your beneficiary. Who would like your contingent/secondary to be? WFA
Did you want to start with it as is or did you want to make any changes while I am here? WFA

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