NML Flashcards
Aquinas on abortion:
-Aquinas himself held that a person with a rational soul is present at around 60-80 days after conception.
-Some will draw the conclusion that this means that abortion before the rational soul is present (60-80 days) is justified. However, Aquinas never makes this claim.
-The alternative is to conclude that Aquinas is generally arguing against abortion.
Worship god - abortion
Abortion goes against Divine revelation and scripture. I.e. Ten Commandments ‘Do not kill.’
Ordered society - abortion
Disorders society as it stops the extension of the family unit, in which God intended.
Reproduction - abortion
Stops reproduction from occurring.
Educate young - abortion
No potential for new education.
Preserve life - abortion
The embryo is considered a life from conception when the soul is made in imago dei.
Aquinas on abortion
-It is certainly the case that abortion at any stage fails all the tests for Aquinas’ NML. It violates the primary principle of defending innocent life.
-It also breaks the worship God primary principle because God is creator of life.
-The Catholic Church reinforces the NML view by forbidding abortion in all instances apart from the principle of double effect.
Principle of double effect
-The Principle of Double Effect is used to determine when an action which has two effects, one good and one evil, may still be chosen without sin.
-St. Thomas Aquinas used it to show that killing in self-defence is justified (Summa Theologiae).
It would allowunder certain conditionsthe toleration of the unintended evil of another for a proportionate reason.
-All four conditions must be satisfied:
1. The action must be morally good, or indifferent, as to object, motive and circumstances.
2. The bad effect(s) may only be tolerated, not directly willed.
3. The good effect must be caused at least as directly as the bad.
4. The good effect(s) must be proportionate to compensate for the bad effect(s).
Ectopic pregnancy
-This is a pregnancy where the fertilised embryo begins to develop in the fallopian tubes.
-This is a dangerous pregnancy.
-However, abortion is not allowed because it uses a bad means to a good end.
-That is killing the foetus to save the mother’s life.
Cancerous womb
-Indirect Abortion is allowed
-This is because it uses a good means to a good end and a bad end.
-That is, a hysterectomy that will save her life but kill the foetus.
-And what is important here is the death of the foetus is the unintended side-effect of the hysterectomy.
-And the death of the foetus is not the means of saving the woman’s life – the hysterectomy is!
Louis Pojman
-When a woman has a cancerous womb, she could have a hysterectomy in order to save her life.
-Removing the cancerous uterus is morally good, and the death of the foetus is the unintended side-effect of the hysterectomy.
-“… given the doctrine of double effect, the woman is really lucky to have a cancerous uterus.’
Ordered society
-Experimentation on human embryos could lead to disorder.
-Although current UK law permits experimentation up to 14 days this could be the “thin end of the wedge”.
-What is next? Experimenting on 3 month foetuses?
-In 2018 there was an appeal to extend experimentation to 28 days.
-Possibility of disorder is also great!
Worship god - embryo
-Embryo research goes against Divine revelation and scripture:
-‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.’
Defend life - embryo
Life begins at conception, when God gives the fertilised egg a soul and creates life in his ‘image and likeness.’
Aquinas on embryo research and cloning
-Aquinas’ NML would reject embryo research and cloning, since they both abandon the usual methods of procreation through loving sexual relationships.
-Aquinas would see this as a failure to worship God, who is the creator of life.
-It also breaks ‘order in society’. Scientific reproduction removes the necessity of male/female marriages which is promoted by NML and the Catholic Church.
Embryo research and cloning
-The genetic blueprint of a human is present at the moment of conception, so biologically, a human becomes an individual person at that point.
-This means any experimentation even within the 14-day window breaks the commandment ‘not to murder’
-Stem cell research to cure disease does not pass ‘double effect’ rule. You are using a bad means to a good end.
-This is a form of ‘playing God’ and breaks the sanctity of life principle