NMCB Specific 108 Civil Engineer Support Equipment (CESE) / TOA Fundamentals Flashcards
Define the acronym “BEEP”
Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program
State the purpose of the Battalion Equipment Evaluation Program (BEEP).
To pass on all special knowledge of CESE maintenance and operation techniques.
To provide the relieving battalion with a realistic and in-depth condition evaluation of the CESE allowance, facilities, tools and materials.
To use the full expertise and efforts of the two equipment forces to provide the relieving battalion and detachments with the best Alfa Company operation possible.
To provide the respective Regimental (R43) Equipment Office with up to date condition codes for scheduling timely CESE replacements. Appendix E contains a list of approved condition codes.
Discuss the purpose of the P-300.
The NAVFAC P-300 (Management of Civil Engineering Support Equipment) provides instructions for the management of transportation equipment. Procedures for administration, operation, and maintenance are detailed. These include procurement, technical record control, disposition and procedures for the operation of automotive construction, and railroad equipment. Maintenance functions such as scheduling, shop control, material support, equipment modification, painting, protective coatings, markings, and guidelines for fuels and lubricants are included.
Discuss the purpose of COMFIRSTNCDINST 11200.2
The COMFIRSTNCDINST 11200.2 NAVAL CONSTRUCTION FORCE (NCF) EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (Red Book) establishes policy, assigns action and provides guidance for the Naval Construction Force Equipment Management Program
Discuss the purpose of P-307
This publication provides the uniform Navy program for the management, maintenance, inspection, testing, certification, alteration, repair, and operation of weight handling equipment (WHE) at Navy shore installations. Its purpose is to ensure the equipment is safe to operate; to ensure weight handling operations are conducted safely and efficiently; and to ensure optimum equipment service life.
Discuss the purpose of the NAVSEA 4790.8B, Maintenance and Material Management (3M)
The NAVSEA 4790.8B, Maintenance and Material Management (3M) is designed to provide the user with a ready reference for all aspects concerning shipboard maintenance.
Describe the term deadline and its effects on availability.
Applies to all equipment that cannot be returned to service to perform all intended functions; has been determined by the maintenance supervisor, or higher authority, that repair parts are required, and that the parts are not obtainable within three working days.
Define the acronym “IEM”
Inactive Equipment Maintenance
What is the purpose of IEM?
Reduced maintenance requirements for extended periods of equipment inactivity. Procedures for the accomplishment of PMS for equipment declared in an inactive status, current PMS schedules are modified to annotate the requirements listed in the IEM section of the Maintenance Index Page (MIP)
Define “Status I” and “Status II” as applied to IEM.
Status I Equipment that will remain on board and will be inactive for thirty days or longer and is not scheduled for corrective maintenance or overhaul.
Status II Equipment that is inactive for thirty days or longer and is directly subject to corrective maintenance, overhaul, or removal for safe storage/replacement.
What are the four groups of maintenance actions for inactive equipment
Lay-Up Maintenance (LU)
Periodic Maintenance (PM)
Start-Up Maintenance (SU)
Operational Test (OT)
Describe the responsibilities of the Yard Boss.
Manages the equipment yard and the CESE parked in it; establishes and enforces traffic control through the yard
Determines operator liability because he/she is familiar with the equipment and should know what dents and damages are new
Working with the Dispatcher, the “Yard Boss” cycles and exercises equipment not otherwise used during that week in accordance with the P-300
Shall ensure that all operators are performing the 3-M pre-start “R” checks of CESE prior to dispatching, and shall ensure that all Operator’s Inspection Guide and Trouble Reports (NAVFAC Form 9-11240/13) and the 3-M post operational “R” checks are properly completed prior to returning the trip ticket to dispatch
Describe the responsibilities of the Collateral Equipment Custodian.
To control collateral equipment, the custodian shall do the following:
Inventory - Maintain an accurate up-to-date location list of the unit’s Collateral equipment
Order - Shortages and replacements shall be ordered during PM inventory
Manage - Sub-custody of component collateral equipment is assigned to the operator or crew leader by signature on a 1NCD CB 60 Form
Describe the responsibilities of the Dispatcher.
The Dispatcher’s primary duty is to manage the unit’s equipment resources efficiently within the general policies and directives of the U.S. Navy and according to local policies, as directed by the unit Equipment Officer.
Describe the duties of the Maintenance Supervisor.
The A4 is tasked with ensuring proper 3-M maintenance and repair of all automotive, construction, and material and weight handling equipment assigned to the NMCB/Unit.
Describe the responsibilities of the Det Repair Parts Petty Officer.
Maintain the Details, DFT or Detachment repair parts status and accountability records, and is the liaison between the main body supply office and the Details, DFT or Detachment. All requisitions for not in stock (NIS) and not carried (NC) materials must pass though the DET RPPO who maintains the repair parts summary sheets.
State the purposes of a Monthly CESE/MHE report.
The monthly CESE/MHE report will include CESE/MHE which cannot be used to meet operational or contingency commitments due to the following reasons: Dead-Line, Non-Availability, or IEM.
Define the acronym “ACR”
Allowance Change Request
List the justification for submitting an ACR.
Mission Capability Improvement. Shall the proposed change improve the capability to perform assigned mission? Quantitative estimates of increases in construction quality, productivity, or readiness shall be made. Proposed changes which result from changes in a unit’s mission shall be specifically identified.
Cost Effectiveness. Does the proposed change lead to a reduction in material or labor costs or in the cost of the allowance itself? Include a brief cost comparison.
Safety. Shall the proposed change result in a safer operation?
Other. Shall the proposed change result in a non-quantitative improvement such as improved health, comfort, or morale?