NMCB Specific 104 Communications / Communications Security Material System Fundamentals Flashcards
What is the purpose of the RD-Sat?
The RDSAT is configured as a lightweight, highly mobile, self-contained satellite terminal, which sets up in 60 minutes. The RDSAT operates worldwide with any communication satellite of the Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT), and other compatible satellite services
What are the general characteristics of the TA/312?
Lightweight, battery powered, portable
Used for inter camp communications through a switchboard
Can be used for point-to-point communication
Transmission Range - 14 miles with wet lines to 22 miles with dry lines
What type of batteries and how many batteries are used by the TA-312?
The TA-312 uses 2 D-Cell batteries.
How is the TA-312 used in emergency operations?
Use ear piece as a sound powered phone.
What is the range of the TA-312 when used in emergency operations?
4 miles
What are the characteristics of the TA-838?
Ruggedized solid state field telephone that can be used outside under all conditions
Can be wall mounted or used as a desk telephone
Uses 16 pushbutton keys arranged in a 4 by 4 keyset configuration
Used with Automatic Switchboard SB-3614
Transmission Range - capable of accepting AC and DC incoming ringing signaling up to 4 miles from switchboard SB-3614 under normal conditions
Modes of Operation – May be operated in any one of seven different modes, using the mode select switch
What type of batteries and how many batteries are used by the TA-838
The TA-838 uses 4 C-Cell batteries.
What are the characteristics of the AN/GRA-39?
Enables the operator to transmit and receive voice frequency communications for a distance up to two miles from the radio
Power source - 12 D-cell batteries, six per unit
What are the characteristics of the SB-22?
Lightweight, portable, manually operated
Connects TA-312/ PT telephones
Used for camp communication
Immersion proof with front cover in place
Handles up to 12 voice circuits
What is the maximum number of voice circuits that can be handled when the SB-22 is stacked?
Two switchboards can be stacked to handle 29 Lines
What is the purpose of the TDN?
The TDN system augments the existing MAGTF communications infrastructure. It provides the commander with an integrated data network and forms the data communications backbone for MAGTF TDSs.
What is the purpose of communication within the NMCB?
Communications permit the Commander to exercise command and control over subordinate units, provide the means to remain informed of subordinate unit disposition, and enable the flow of information to higher echelon commands.
Explain the scope of the Communication and Information Security (CIS) Program?
The scope of the CIS Security Program is to prevent the loss of material or information to unauthorized persons or, more severely, to the unfriendly enemy.
Explain the proper equipment check-out procedures as it applies to CIS.
When equipment is required to support either training or operations, it will be issued using the Equipment Custody Receipt. For COMSEC material, SF 153 will be utilized. All equipment check-out forms will be maintained on file for a period of one year after the equipment has been returned.
Describe the proper handling storage and disposal of Lithium Batteries.
Storage of lithium batteries will be confined to well-ventilated, metal containers in an area in which the temperature does not exceed 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The storage area will be identified as “FLAMMABLE SOLID,” and “NO SMOKING” signs will be prominently displayed. Depleted lithium batteries will not be retained for storage. Those batteries determined to be depleted will be expeditiously submitted for disposal as hazardous waste.
What is the function of the NIPRNET?
NIPRNET is a global long-haul IP based network to support unclassified IP data communications services for combat support applications to the Department of Defense (DOD), Joint Chiefs of Staff (JS), Military Departments (MILDEPS), and Combatant Commands (COCOM).
What is the function of the SIPRNET?
SIPRNET is the DOD’s largest interoperable command and control data network, supporting the Global Command and Control System (GCCS), the Defense Message System (DMS), collaborative planning and numerous other classified warfighter applications.
What is the function of CENTRIX?
The CENTRIXS program provides U.S., coalition and allied interests with a secure, reliable, high speed Local Area Network (LAN) with access to the coalition Wide Area Network (WAN). CENTRIXS is a Department of Defense Multi-National Information Sharing (MNIS) program.
Define “VoIP”
Voice over Internet Protocol
Describe the function of the Iridium phone.
The Iridium network consists of a space segment (see Figure 5-10) employing a constellation of 66 satellites in six evenly spaced, nearly polar orbital planes, about 420 nm above the Earth’s surface. By linking the satellites and terrestrial gateways, the system provides global access and coverage through specially designed portable and mobile telephones. Seamless connectivity to cellular systems anywhere in the world is provided to phones equipped with an optional cellular cassette.
Describe the function of the Voice Teleconference (VTC).
VTC is an extension of traditional telephony technologies with the added feature of being able to see the person or persons with whom one is talking.