NMCB Specific 102 Administration Command and Control Fundamentals Flashcards
What is the function of Alfa Company?
Alfa Company is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the automotive, construction and materials-handling equipment assigned to the battalion. Alfa Company serves as a prime contractor on large earthmoving, paving, and other horizontal construction projects and as subcontractor to the general construction companies for earth-moving, grading, excavation, paving, hauling, pile driving, well drilling, heavy lifting, blasting and demolition.
What is the function of Bravo Company?
Bravo Company is responsible as a prime contractor, as a subcontractor, and for the maintenance and operation of the unit’s camp. Bravo Company serves as a prime contractor for water, sanitary sewer, and power distribution systems, fuel systems, and communication projects. Bravo Company serves as subcontractor to the general construction companies for all utility installation, sheet metal fabrication, air conditioning and refrigeration.
What is the function of Charlie Company?
Charlie Company serves as prime contractor for vertical construction and as subcontractor to Alfa Company for concrete work, carpentry and timber construction support.
What is the function of Headquarters Company?
Headquarters Company is the administrative and military organization for all enlisted personnel assigned to the battalion executive and special staff.
Describe the mission of Convoy Security Element
Provide security escort t tactical convoy using “Gun Truck”. Provide convoy with close-in protection from direct fire/complex ambushes.
Define “COC”
Combat Operations Center
What is the purpose of the COC?
The COC is established to provide the battalion commander centralized command and control facilities for all combat tactical and operational operations conducted under his or her command. It is the focal point for the battalion and the terminating point for all tactical and non-tactical radio nets. The primary purpose of the COC is to monitor and record the tactical and non-tactical operations of the battalion continually.
Define “ACOC”
Alternate Combat Operations Center
What is the purpose of the ACOC?
In the event the main COC is destroyed, operations are expediently assumed in the alternate COC. Location of the alternate COC is away from the main COC and security is similar to the main COC.
Define “Company CP”
Company Command Post
What is the purpose of a Company CP?
The company command post (CP) is the central point from which company operations are directed. The CP is established to provide the company commander centralized command and control facilities for the platoons assigned to the company. The platoon commanders report all activities to the company CP, regardless of their magnitudes, concerning their perspective platoons. The company CP reports to the COC all information concerning the company.
What is the purpose of an NMCB Air-Detachment (Air-Det)?
The mission of the Air DET, as an advance element of an NMCB, is to repair war damage and construct urgent projects as required by major operational plans or as tasked by a MAGTF commander. Although its taskings are mission-dependent, the Air DET generally spans the scope of possible NMCB construction taskings.
How many personnel are in Air-Det?
An Air-Det is typically is composed of 89 personnel (87 enlisted, 2 officers)
How many pieces of CESE are in Air-Det?
There are 39 pieces of CESE in an Air-Det.
How many C-5 Galaxy aircraft are required for Air-Det?
How quickly can an Air-Det deploy?
48 hours
How long is an Air-Det self-sustainable?
30 days except that Classes I, III, and V are limited to 5 days
List the non-OF-7 ratings that support an NMCB.