Nitroglycerin Flashcards
Generic Name:
Trade Name:
0.4mg tablets/metered dose spray
Vasodilator, Organic Nitrate, Anti-anginal
Mechanism of Action:
- Smooth muscle relaxant acting on vascular, uterine, bronchial, and intestinal smooth muscle
- Reduces workload on the heart by causing blood pooling (decreased preload)
- Arteriolar vasodilation (decreased afterload)
- Coronary artery vasodilation
- Increases blood flow to myocardium
- Decreases myocardial O2 demand
Indications and Field Use:
- Angina
- Myocardial infarction
- Congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema
- Hypovolemia
- Increased Intra cranial pressure
- Hypotension (relative)
Adverse Reactions:
CV: Hypotension, reflex tachycardia, bradycardia, decreased coronary perfusion at high doses (secondary to hypotension), headache secondary to dilation of meningeal vessels.
Incompatibilities/Drug Interactions:
- Other vasodilators
- Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors such as: Erectile dysfunction: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
- Pulmonary Hypertension: Revatio (Sildenafil), Adcirca (Tadalafil), Staxyn ODT (Vardenafil)
Adult Dosage: SL for Chest pain:
1/150 gr (0.4 mg) tablet or one full spray, may repeat x 3
Adult Dosage: SL for Pulmonary edema:
1-2 of the 1/150 gr (0.4 mg) tablets may be given SL every 5-10 minutes as long as the systolic BP is greater 90-100 systolic
Adult Dosage: IV infusion during interfacility transport must be given via infusion pump:
Start at low range of 5 μg/min and increase in increments of 5 μg, monitoring pain and blood pressure until desired hemodynamic or clinical response is achieved (fall in SVR, relief of chest pain); most patients respond to 50-200 μg/min
Pediatric Dosage:
Not used
Routes of Administration:
- IV or SL
- IV infusion on interfacility transports; special training and infusion pump required
Onset of Action:
Peak Effects:
5 to 10 minutes
Duration of Action:
1 to 10 minutes after IV discontinued
Arizona Drug Box Minimum Supply:
1 bottle of tablets, or 1 spray bottle
Special Notes:
- NTG is heat and light sensitive; stock rotation assures fresh supply.
- SL: Cautiously administer NTG to a patient who has never received it, consider establishing an IV prior to administration.
- Patients with hypotension should be administered this drug with caution.
- Closely monitor vital signs, cardiac rhythm.
- Bradydysrhythmias and hypotension usually respond to Trendelenburg position; atropine and vasopressors may be administered if needed.
- Monitoring IV nitroglycerin on patients during interfacility transport requires an infusion pump and is limited to prehospital providers that have completed a special training curriculum in accordance with their medical control authorities.