Night Flight Flashcards
During preflight what things should be done to adequately prepare for the night flight?
a) Study all wx reports and forecasts. Particular attention should be directed towards temp/dewpoint spreads to detect the possibility of fog formation.
b) Calculate wind directions and speeds along the proposed route of flight to ensure accurate drift calculations, as night visual perception of drift is generally inaccurate.
c) Obtain applicable aeronautical charts for both the proposed route as well as adjacent charts, and mark lighted checkpoints clearly.
d) Review all radio frequencies and radio navigational aids
e) Ensure your GPS is working properly and that all waypoints are loaded before the flight.
f) Check all personal equipment such as flashlights and portable transceivers for proper operation.
g) A thorough pre-flight
h) Check position lights, landing lights, rotating beacons
i) Double check ground areas for obstructions around the aircraft.
What are some guidelines to follow during the starting, taxiing, and run-up phases of a night fight?
a) Pilot should extra precautions on clearing the prop arc area when starting the aircraft. Use lights to alert persons that the aircraft is about to start.
b) During taxiing, avoid unnecessary use of electrical equipment which would put an abnormal load on the electrical system. Pilots is the area can be blinded by strobes, etc, so avoid use them.
c) Taxi slowly and follow any taxi lines
What are some guidelines for pilots to follow during takeoff and departure phases of a night flight?
a) During takeoff, the pilot should use both the distance runway edge lights as well as the landing light area to keep the aircraft straight and parallel in the runway. Also, keep a positive climb be referencing the attitude indicator along with positive rate of climb on the vertical speed indicator.
b) During climbout, don’t initiate any tuns until reaching a safe maneuvering altitude and turn the landing light off after climb.
What should the pilot do to provide proper orientation and navigation during a night flight?
a) Exercise caution to avoid flying into clouds or a layer of fog. Usually the first indication of flying into restricted visibility conditions is the gradual disappearance of lights on the ground. If light begin to take on appearance of being surrounded by a halo or glow, use caution in attempting further flight in that same direction, as this is indicative of ground fog.
b) Practice and acquire competency in straight-and-level flight, climbs and descents, level turns, climbing and descending turns and steep turns. Recovery from unusual attitudes should also be practiced but only on dual flights with an instructor.
c) Practice above maneuvers with all of the cockpit lights turned off. This type of blackout training will prove helpful later on in the event of an electrical or instrument light failure. Include the use the nav equipment and local NAVAIDS
d) Continually monitor position, time estimates, and fuel consumed, NAVAIDS
If an engine failure occurs at night, what procedures should be followed?
Maintain positive control of the airplane. Normal glide should be established (85 MPH) and maintained and the airplane turned towards an airport or away from congested areas. Check magnetos, fuel selectors, or primer. If unsuccessful in restart procedures, elect 7700 on transponder and 121.5 on the radio. Declare an emergency. If ATC is unavailable, two possibilities exist:
a) Lighted areas. Highways, roads, parking lots.
b) Unlighted areas. Field, lakes, etc.
Maintain positive control of the aircraft at all times.
What procedures should be followed during the approach and landing phase of a night flight.
a) Pilot should identify the airport and associated airport lighting and runway lighting.
b) Aircraft should be flown towards the airport beacon until the runway lights are identified.
c) A powered approach should be used because visual perception during a descent can be difficult.
d) The landing light should be switched on upon entering the airport traffic area.
e) The pilot should avoid the use of excessive airspeed on approach and landing.