nigeria's problems Flashcards
in kano, kaduna and lagos,mainly polluted enter in open drains and water channels they harm ecosystems and people
disposing chemicals
some factories dispose waster on land. this threatens groundwater quality
urban growth
service have failed to keep up with economic rates
building of settlements and road increase c02
buildings have destroyed wildlife
oils spills destroy ecocsystems
species have disapeared e.g cheetahs and giraffes
80% of trees have been logged down]
2000 to 2011
nigeria was the one of the least developed countries to the countries with the fastest rates of development
mobile users
from 1990 0> had phones now almost 73% of nigerians own a cellphone and 38% have internet connection
speed of development
30 years ago singapore was the same as nigeria, now they are much more advance compare to nigeria
political problems
nigeria needs to have a stable government to carry on developing
social problems
boko haram an extemist group are against girls education in the northern region
racial tensions between igbo and yoroba people
niger delta
oil spills have affect the farming of the ogani people, pest like flies have been affecting livestock also
tin mining
this had led to land erosinon
are there squatter
have there been conflict due to environmental problems
is population increasing
is birthrates decreasing
what is nigeria part of
the MINT countries NEES
Has urban population increase
Nigeria is the 12% worlds producer of what
youthful population
thanks to nigerias educated youthful population, it is predicted to grow rapidly.
barak obama and nigeria
despite corruption and a lack of infrastructure, obama said if nigeria does not get it right, that means the rest of africa will not develop
nigeria in africa
it has the highest GDP
it has the 3rd largest industrial sector
highest population in africa
it has low levels of productivity and land ownership issues. but it has the highest farming output in africa
yam, cassava , millet etc
most are subsistance, they can feed themselves and improve the quality of their lives
nigeria is the 5th contributor to peace improving lives around the globe