Nickel and Dimed Chapter 3 Flashcards
What does this quote say, “Call me gutless, but what I was looking for this time around was a comfortable correspondence between income and rent, a few mild adventures, a soft landing.” (Page 122)
This quote shows that the experiment could be very biased by choice of location as some lower wage families are forced to stay in an area where it is not always even.
What does Barbara realize she has to do in order to get a job?
she has to exhibit her personality by meeting with the managers
What keeps barbara from joining walmart?
the drug test because she doesnt think she would pass
Where does Barbara begin to work?
at a home depot like chain in the plumbing section for 8$ an hour
“Equally draining is the effort to be both perky and compliant at the same time, for half an hour or more at a stretch, because while you need to evince ‘initiative,’ you dont want to come across as someone who might initiate something like a union organizing drive” (page 127)
This quote shows that the ability to be a people person and survive in the job industry through personality is not a strong suit. She will have to work extra hard in order to accomplish these jobs.
What is barbara still afraid of failing?
the drug test.
what does she do to help her chances?
she goes on a detox program in order to flush out everything bad in her system
“This is not, all things considered, my finest hour. If I could just surrender to my increasingly aqueous condition and wait out the weekend with a novel, things would be looking up” (page 130
This shows that she is falling away from this life, and would just like to return to her own life of reading and writing without struggle
What is surprising about her friend’s friend?
they live in a shanty room with horrible conditions and yet they are considered middle class because they make 40,000 dollars a year.
“Its hard not knowing” (Page 133)
in context she is referring to caroline not knowing about her friend’s predicament. However, this could also show that it is hard for barbara to not know what the future city holds.
“Why, for example, am I supposed to leave her with my purse while she doesnt even trust me not to sprinkle some drug dissolving substance in my urine” (Page 135)
This shows that her trust is being called into question, and the way in which she values trust has changed.
What customer service job stood out from the rest?
The one for Mountain Air
What is Menards all about?
self discipline, money motivation, and positive attitudes.
What happens when Barbara calls Wal-mart after the mountain air interview?
they dont have a job for her
What is wrong with working in the plumbing section?
she doesnt know any of the names or uses.
What is the wage at Menards?
What does she have to do in order to work at Walgreens?
she has to attend an orientation run by Roberta
“The three principles are: Respect for the Individual, Exceeding Customers expectations, and strive for excellence, which are surprisingly unparalleled.” (144)
This shows that she does not believe that these principle should be grouped together. Possibility for quarry against the industry of Walgreens.
What is a major theme of covert tensions?
stealing and trust
“You have to wonder, I imagine, why such fiends as these union organizers, such outright extortionists, are allowed to roam free in the land.” (145)
This shows that the company and Barbara herself are completely against the Unions and what they stand for, but many of the minimum wage employers are a part of it
“Time left is doing anything other than working during company time.” (146)
Similar to the first Chapter with not being able to take a break and always having to do something for the company. They believe that if you are on the job you should be working. The way in which you present a principle makes a huge difference.
How many final exits exist on the parkway?
infinately many
What does the bird do because she has not been home in a while?
scratch his feathers off